Pro-Iraq war commercials.


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What the fuck is up with these Pro-Iraq War commercials. Are they running in every media market? Do you guys get them?

Who is paying for them?
I heard about one; there is some guy wounded in Iraq, talking about how "they attacked US", clearly tying Iraq to 9/11...
9/11 Linked To Iraq, In Politics if Not in Fact

The television commercial is grim and gripping: A soldier who lost both legs in an explosion near Fallujah explains why he thinks U.S. forces need to stay in Iraq.

"They attacked us," he says as the screen turns to an image of the second hijacked airplane heading toward the smoking World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. "And they will again. They won't stop in Iraq."

Every investigation has shown that Iraq did not, in fact, have anything to do with the Sept. 11 attacks. But the ad, part of a new $15 million media blitz launched by an advocacy group allied with the White House, may be the most overt attempt during the current debate in Congress over the war to link the attacks with Iraq.
IF you say a lie enough times the average person will believe it. But actually we went to Iraq because Saddam supported the Islamist Terrorists, or was it because he had WMD's, or because he was a tyrant, or because we want to foster democracy around the world, or.....? Same bullshit different day.
We have several commercials playing pretty regularly as I have seen a few of them, one right after the speech last night!

I want to know who is paying for these... Arnt the networks responsable for some truth in the advertismernts?
It smacks about patriotism.............

Like the commercials and movies during WWII and Korea...I am a Happy Camper that this trend is starting a return...gotta problemo...move to Iraq or wherever you think life is betta!:cof1:
Like the commercials and movies during WWII and Korea...I am a Happy Camper that this trend is starting a return...gotta problemo...move to Iraq or wherever you think life is betta!:cof1:
Except that in WWII they REALLY did attack us! Wow imagine that, we really were attacked by Japan so we went to war with gasp shock JA-fucking-PAN. Now before you bring up Germany, they declared war against us the next day so we treated them like we were at war with them. Korea, there is a good analogy, nothing happened in Korea except that we are now at a cease fire but the war has never ended. That is basically what is going to happen in Iraq. The war will never end. Is it PATRIOTISM to get wounded vets to get up on TV and say "they attacked us" when THEY, Iraq did NOT attack us? How is lying patriotic? This, I must admit, intrigues me.
Freedom's Watch is a new White House front group[1] of prominent conservatives with a pro-Israel agenda[2] masquerading as a grassroots movement (i.e. astroturf). Formed only two weeks prior,[3] it began a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign on August 22, 2007 "to urge members of Congress who may be wavering in their support for the war in Iraq not to 'cut and run'."[4]

It has been described as "a covert 'cut-out'[5] organization"[6] and an "outfit dedicated to keeping the war industry thriving."[7] "A sort of shadow White House communications shop has emerged to help the beleaguered president sell his unpopular war to the American people," Jake Tapper and Avery Miller wrote August 22, 2007, at ABC News.[8]

"The group is organized under section 501(c)4 of the tax code,[9] meaning that it can lobby on issues but cannot expressly advocate for specific candidates. Its stated mission is 'to ensure a strong national defense and a powerful effort to confront and defeat global terrorism'," Mike Allen wrote August 22, 2007, in The Politico.[10]'s_Watch
Umm Fereedoms watch looks a lot more single issue focused by far then
they look like a Dixie group Victory or death kind of bunch.