APP - Pro life position is in ascendency



Yes the country is evenly decided on the issue of killing unborn babies in the womb. But as science advances, more and more people are moving to the pro life position, particularly millennials. The Democrat Media Industrial Complex will not tell you that.

Look at this graph and how attitudes about killing unborn babies has changed since 1994. It is quite shocking and heartening.

It may not happen in my lifetime, but Roe v Wade will be struck down as the worst Supreme Court decision ever after Marbury v Madison
I'm not sure polling is an accurate science, ILA. It's possible that baby-killing may be less popular, but is there a more reliable and accurate way to determine attitudes?
I must admit that I didn't care one way or the other on this issue with respect to early pregnancies. Then in the early 90's my wife was pregnant with our son and we went to the first ultrasound. The black and white still images, poor quality, like an x-ray, back in the day did not convey , to me, that this "thing" was a viable human being. But seeing the images moving, in real time, reacting to the stimulus of the instrument, opened my eyes.

As technology improves and information becomes widely and freely available we will see more folks opening their eyes to what is happening.
Well, there is this to consider.
