Pro-War Fox News reportedly to Exclude Ron Paul from Debate


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Paul: Fox News is 'scared of me'

December 29, 2007 01:40 PM

PLAISTOW, N.H. -- Ron Paul said the decision to exclude him from a debate on Fox News Sunday the weekend before the New Hampshire Primary is proof that the network "is scared" of him.

"They are scared of me and don't want my message to get out, but it will," Paul said in an interview at a diner here. "They are propagandists for this war and I challenge them on the notion that they are conservative."

Paul's staff said they are beginning to plan a rally that will take place at the same time the 90-minute debate will air on television. It will be taped at Saint Anselm College in Goffstown.


This is such Fox News bullsh*t.

Ron Paul is polling higher than Fred Thompson, and Duncan Hunter in New Hampshire. And has outraised virtually all his GOP rivals.
What? He is a much more serious candidate than other people they are letting participate in the debate (Duncan Hunter especially, his 1% vs. Pauls 8%). This could be nothing but political.
His people need to RIGHT now get with You Tube and whoever else and set up a webcast with about a 20 minute delay so that he can be on and answer the same questions as everyone else, hell he can even answer them last everytime. This does not suprise me. The republican party is about walking lock step knees unbent boots shined bright and Wagner playing in the background.
Yeah, including Duncan Hunter but not RP? That is clearly an amazing bias based on what they want to be reality.
What? He is a much more serious candidate than other people they are letting participate in the debate (Duncan Hunter especially, his 1% vs. Pauls 8%). This could be nothing but political.

for real.

I think Paul is polling at 8% in New Hampshire, to Fred Thompson 4%.

Total BS.
Isn't ron paul an isolationist though? This has been shown to cause many issues throughout world history.
Isn't ron paul an isolationist though? This has been shown to cause many issues throughout world history.
Hello and welcome to the board.

Non-interventionalist is not the same thing as isolationist.

Open trade is certainly not isolationist.

The idea is to only attack those who attack us first, and then only after a formal declaration of war.
I'm still waiting for a right winger to admit that Fox is bullshit.

You guys act as if you haven't seen this shit from Fox before. This is a MINOR incident, in the history of Fox being full of shit.
Obviously Ron Paul is a radical far-left terrorist that wants America to get blown up by Bin Laden. Why else would he be against this war? Either you want to win or you want to lose. Just like any liberal, Ron Paul is a traitor to his country. How dare he spit in the faces of our brave men in the armed forces by wanting them to cut and run like some coward. How dare he try to take away their honor!

Fox News is the ONLY fair and balanced news channel in the media. CNN and MSNBC are filled with far-left secular progressives like anderson cooper and chris matthews. And if you disagree with that then you are against America because FoxNews represents America.

Caution!!! You are about to enter thee no-spin zone!
Cut his mic! I will not stand for liberals expressing their views that challenge mine. The other 3 conservatives in this same debate will do just fine without you.
Even though he's polling where again? I don't agree with them shutting anyone out but to say he's a major candidate is bullshit. Money does not equal votes. Neither does his spammers.
In Iowa except for Rassmussen he is polling close to Rudy. in the American Research poll in NH from 12/28 he is within 2 points of Rudy. They are not excluding Thompson or Hunter and they trail RP. Fox is Bukaki girl to the pro war republican political machine.
Even though he's polling where again? I don't agree with them shutting anyone out but to say he's a major candidate is bullshit. Money does not equal votes. Neither does his spammers.
Compared to the people they allowed? Duncan Hunter? Ron Paul has broken records with fund raising and polls at a level where he will get matching funds.
What happened to the big tent you all talk about?

Compared to the people they allowed? Duncan Hunter? Ron Paul has broken records with fund raising and polls at a level where he will get matching funds.
Again the republicans get caught showing their ass. They are a big tent and as many of you as want can come in so longs as you come from the same pro-bush, pro-war cookie cutter. Otherwise to the kids table with you. If Eisenhower was alive now he would not be welcome in his own party, nor would Goldwater. The republicans have little use anymore for Snow or Warner or any other moderate Republican. If you are not born again, bathed in the blood, bible thumping war mongering then you can't be included. And the Republican media mouth piece is making sure that Ron Paul, who though he has been a republican for quite a few years, cannot take part in the republican debate.
Again the republicans get caught showing their ass. They are a big tent and as many of you as want can come in so longs as you come from the same pro-bush, pro-war cookie cutter. Otherwise to the kids table with you. If Eisenhower was alive now he would not be welcome in his own party, nor would Goldwater. The republicans have little use anymore for Snow or Warner or any other moderate Republican. If you are not born again, bathed in the blood, bible thumping war mongering then you can't be included. And the Republican media mouth piece is making sure that Ron Paul, who though he has been a republican for quite a few years, cannot take part in the republican debate.

Paul talks about the money system. That's why he's public enemy number one. We are all slaves until things change.