Problem Solved: Do Not Name U.S. Navy Ships After Democrats.


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Naming warships is a grab bag —— most deserve the honor, a few do not.

Here are a few of the undeserving:


When former President Lyndon B. Johnson’s daughters smashed champagne bottles against a metal star atop the bow of the ship named for him last month, the crowd roared, patriotic streamers shot skyward, and there were smiles all around.

No one was churlish enough to mar the christening ceremony in Bath, Maine, by noting that in naming the futuristic-looking stealth destroyer for the 36th president, the Navy was honoring a part-time officer who spent decades wearing a decoration for valor that he knew full well he didn’t rate.

Another undeserved military honor for LBJ
by Jamie McIntyre
May 10, 2019 03:00 AM


"In the Navy, per traditional ship-naming convention, our destroyers are named after heroes," Mabus said in the prepared remarks. "As a champion for this nation, I know personally, as so many of you do, that Carl Levin has been a true hero to so many."

Naming a warship the USS Carl M. Levin sent a message to the men who serve on her ——You guys are fighting for Levin’s political beliefs. The same is true of this disgrace:


Hunter has previously clashed with Mabus over ship names, including in 2011 over his naming the Lewis and Clark-class Navy cargo ship after labor organizer Cesar Chavez.

Hunter raps Navy for naming ship after Levin
By Jacqueline Klimas
4/13/16 3:28 PM

This Democrat got a ship because she was shot:

Giffords Getting Navy Ship Named for Her
Griffin Connolly
Posted Jun 7, 2017 9:36 PM


Do you see the irony? The USS Gabrielle Giffords was the first warship ship named for gun control.

This guy got shot, too, but he got a Navy ship because he was Obama’s favorite dead activist.


Finally, the Chicago sewer rat is more proud of his choices than he is of Obamacare:

US Naval ships had a very long history of receiving honorable, relevant names. Cruisers were named after cities, destroyers and frigates after naval heroes (most of whom had died in combat), battleships and ballistic missile submarines after states, and aircraft carriers mostly after either earlier historic ships or significant historical battles.

This 200 year tradition was upset in the 1990s, when the Clinton Administration first started giving very heavily politicized names – like the USS Jimmah Cartah, SSN-23 – to naval ships. Yes, there were a few previous similar examples, but the politicized naming conventions really ramped up under Clinton, and were somewhat continued under Bush ’43, especially naming carriers after former Republicrat presidents. But the naming has really gone off the rails under the Obama cabal, which has taken to naming ships after political allies and democrat cronies, such as:

● USS Gabrielle Giffords
● USNS John Lewis
● USNS Earl Warren
● USS John P. Murtha [easily one of the most corrupt, disgusting politicians of the late 20th century]
● USNS Medgar Evers
● USNS Cesar Chavez
● USNS Sojourner Truth [no, really! Can’t you imagine how bursting with pride the sailors that come aboard leftist activist Sojourner Truth will feel!]

A new low has been reached, however, with the recommendation from Navy Secretary Ray Mabus – who has probably done more damage to the USN than any other individual in history, perhaps excluding Elmo Zumwalt – that a ship be named after sodomite activist and admitted pedophile Harvey Milk. Milk served briefly in the Navy in the 1950s, but the naming has nothing to do with that, and is all about appeasing one of the demonrats core constituencies – the sexually perverse:

The Navy is set to name a ship after the late homosexual rights icon and San Francisco politician Harvey Milk, according to a Congressional notification obtained by USNI News.

The July 14, 2016 notification, signed by Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, indicated he intended to name a planned Military Sealift Command fleet oiler USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO-206).

Harvey Milk was the first homosexual activist elected to public office in the United States and was assassinated in 1978. That record plus the fact that Milk, who bragged about being a pedophile, served in the Navy at a time it was illegal for homosexuals to do so, apparently justifies naming a Navy ship in his honor.

Harvey Milk was a sexual predator who preyed upon teen boys. According to The Mayor of Castro Street, Milk’s very favorable biography by Randy Shilts, in 1963, when Milk was 33, he took in “Jack” Galen McKinley, a 16-year-old runaway in New York City “who was looking for some kind of father figure,” to live with him as a lover.[This “daddy-son” dynamic is a central part of most sodomite relations and reveals the deep psychological disturbances that underlie them]

While Jack was still a minor, Milk moved him to San Francisco. However, when Jack matured beyond Milk’s taste for young guys, Milk dropped him. [They’re called “twinks” and the tastes tend to run very young, well below 18. That’s why the push is already on to open up children down to 4 or 5 to sexual predators like this lost perverse soul Milk. Thus it is perhaps more than a little significant that the US gov’t would see fit to name a US naval ship after a known pedophile. Far less has been cited for precedent-setting court decisions]

Jack McKinney was highly disturbed and frequently suicidal after being rejected by Milk. [He was almost certainly highly disturbed before, which is what led him down this dark path in the first place]The Mayor of Castro Street records Milk’s shocking coldness when told of his former boy lover’s suicide threat. “Tell him not to make a mess,” Milk said. Eventually Jack died in a fall from the eighth floor of a building, in an apparent suicide.

He wasn’t the only one Milk destroyed, or helped destroy. Milk was a thoroughly despicable man, one totally unworthy of having a naval ship named after him, even a support ship normally manned by civilians.

The repeal of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” in 2011 has marked a sea change in the life and conduct of the US military. It is almost impossible to convey how radical the changes in the military have been, but in short the US military is no longer a place for any believing Christians to serve. The leftist indoctrination is constant, as are the dangers to one’s career. Upset one social justice warrior – and there are thousands in the US military today – and a career can be wrecked, even if totally innocent. But the pro-sodomite activism has pushed things up beyond another notch, to outright advocacy along with the persecution of Christians.

It will be interesting to see who wins the race: at some point the public stand of islam against sodomy in the West is going to come into strong conflict with the pro-sodomy movement. It ain’t going to be pretty when that finally happens, in spite of many male muslim’s secret (or open) taste for boys).

Obama Admin to Name US Navy Ship after Pedophile Harvey Milk
August 2, 2016
Posted by Tantumblogo

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On Feb. 23, 1945, the airfield on Iwo Jima had just been taken, but any movement forward ceased: A cluster of concrete pillboxes manned by hardened Japanese soldiers was strafing the field with hissing machine gun fire. Marines were trapped in the open and dying.

A skinny corporal strapped on a flamethrower, chose four men and stormed ahead.

One by one his team fired on the pillbox apertures, allowing him to close in and go to work.

At one point, he even leaped atop a pillbox firing his flamethrower into the air vent, killing all inside and, more importantly, silencing its deadly guns.

Two of the corporal's riflemen died protecting him that day, their names unknown.

But four hours later, after repeated death-defying returns to his own lines to refuel six flamethrowers, Hershel “Woody” Williams became the stuff of legend.

He knocked out seven pillboxes that day, saving the lives of countless Marines.

For his selfless efforts, he was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Harry Truman himself.

And this past weekend, the U.S. Navy commissioned a ship in his name.

The 96-year-old war hero, the last surviving Medal of Honor recipient from Iwo Jima, was honored at a chilly ceremony on March 7 in Virginia.

“This is not just about me,” Williams said, his voice strong as he addressed the crowd. “It’s about them. It’s about those who never got to come home to America.”

“It’s to the families who sacrificed more than any of us,” he continued. “They gave one of their own, so that we could be who we are, live in a free country, have all the advantages that we have. So we want to pay tribute to those this morning.”

Several other Medal of Honor recipients, Navy brass and a couple of politicos, including Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia -- where Williams was born -- were on hand to commission the USS Hershel “Woody” Williams.

The support ship turned warship will maintain aviation mine countermeasures and special operations missions.

"This ship, by design, is intended to go over the horizon and into harm's way, and I am confident they will do so, combat-ready and battle-minded," said Rear Adm. Roy Kitchener, the commander of Naval Surface Force Atlantic, as reported by Fox News.

In 2017, Williams was treated to a very special ceremony, one that finally revealed, after 72 years, the names of the two Marines who gave their lives to protect him that fateful day on Iwo Jima.

“It was a very emotional moment. I almost lost it,” Williams said.

Cpl. Warren H. Bornholz and Pfc. Charles G. Fischer were finally identified by Pat O'Leary, an executive with UPS Veterans Affairs, along with the Marine Corps, and honored.

“Now that I know who they were that gives me kind of a closure that I couldn’t have had before," Williams explained. "Because I didn’t know their names. All I could do is just continue to say two Marines who sacrificed their life.”

The Marine’s identities were finally revealed from a combination of witness statements of Williams' actions on Iwo Jima and casualty lists from the conflict.

“I have said over and over, many many times that this medal that I wear, I wear in their honor, not mine,” Williams said. “So I’ve considered myself as a caretaker of the medal, not the owner of the medal.”

Navy commissions warship in honor of living WWII legend
James Morganelli, The Western Journal By James Morganelli, The Western Journal
Published March 14, 2020 at 4:03pm

Democrat scum show no shame in naming ships after people like these:

. . . the naming has really gone off the rails under the Obama cabal, which has taken to naming ships after political allies and democrat cronies, such as:

● USS Gabrielle Giffords
● USNS John Lewis
● USNS Earl Warren
● USS John P. Murtha [easily one of the most corrupt, disgusting politicians of the late 20th century]
● USNS Medgar Evers
● USNS Cesar Chavez
● USNS Sojourner Truth [no, really! Can’t you imagine how bursting with pride the sailors that come aboard leftist activist Sojourner Truth will feel!]​

Democrat scum show no shame in naming ships after people like these:

The same scum are coming for military bases:

Jones, Sessions spar over renaming of military bases
By Tal Axelrod
06/13/20 07:11 PM EDT

George Washington . . . Thomas Jefferson . . . Theodore Roosevelt . . . Abraham Lincoln

Naming warships is a grab bag —— most deserve the honor, a few do not.

For obvious reasons the lying sack of shit could not rename the faces on Mount Rushmore with four of his favorite freaks. No matter. Outlawing flags and pulling down statues was training for Obama’s filthy faithful to erase the entire Rushmore Monument with dynamite.
For obvious reasons the lying sack of shit could not rename the faces on Mount Rushmore with four of his favorite freaks. No matter. Outlawing flags and pulling down statues was training for Obama’s filthy faithful to erase the entire Rushmore Monument with dynamite.

I am not sure a Republican governor can stop them:

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem made it clear that vandals won't be touching the presidents carved into Mount Rushmore.

Noem, a Republican, responded to a tweet from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro asking if Mount Rushmore could be the next monument targeted by protesters and vandals who have yanked down statues honoring Ulysses S. Grant, George Washington, and many other historical figures.

"So, when is our woke historical revisionist priesthood going to insist on blowing up Mount Rushmore?" Shapiro tweeted on Monday.

"Not on my watch," Noem replied Tuesday morning.

'Not on my watch': South Dakota governor vows to protect Mount Rushmore from vandals
by Madison Dibble
June 23, 2020 10:13 AM
You gotta love this one from the:


KEYSTONE, SD—As protests against statues across the country escalate and talk turns toward tearing down Mount Rushmore, President Trump has authorized the use of the monument's laser eyes.

The laser eyes security defense feature was installed in the mountain by Richard Nixon as an anti-Communist measure in the early 1970s, and now it's finally being deployed against Communists as was its original intent.

"Tear it down! Tear it do---AHHHHHHH!!!!" screamed protesters as George Washington's eyes suddenly began glowing red. "Run!!!"

"USE OF LASER EYES AUTHORIZED. DESTROY ALL COMMIES," said the carving of Washington as his head slowly turned and he began firing powerful laser blasts at the crowd.

"DEATH IS A PREFERABLE ALTERNATIVE TO COMMUNISM," boomed Abraham Lincoln's robotic voice as his targeting system centered in on a 35-year-old protester from Portland named Rayne Meadows.

"YOU'VE THROWN YOUR LAST MILKSHAKE, SOY BOY," intoned a gruff Teddy Roosevelt, while Thomas Jefferson said, "THE TREE OF LIBERTY MUST BE REFRESHED WITH YOUR BLOOD!"

The protesters quickly dispersed and found a nearby statue of the Fonz to go after instead.

Trump Authorizes Use Of Mount Rushmore's Laser Eyes
June 23rd, 2020
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Do Not Name U.S. Navy Ships After Democrats.

warships is a grab bag —— most deserve the honor, a few do not....

....or any politician. I SMH when the Navy first started naming ships after politicians back in the 1980s. It was obvious appeasement to Congress.

The fact our national defense has become a political football is wrong. It should be bipartisan but it isn't. It's purely political. That's the problem, not who they actually name ships after.

Get the politics out of national defense and this problem will go away.
For obvious reasons the lying sack of shit could not rename the faces on Mount Rushmore with four of his favorite freaks. No matter. Outlawing flags and pulling down statues was training for Obama’s filthy faithful to erase the entire Rushmore Monument with dynamite.

I am not sure a Republican governor can stop them:
The president asserted that recent attacks on the nation's monuments, alongside "cancel culture" and the rise of the Marxist ideology of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, were symptoms of a "left-wing cultural revolution" that was threatening to "overthrow the American Revolution."

It remains to be seen if a Republican president can stop them. I have my doubts because American Communists control more levels of political power today than Russian Communists ever controlled before they gained total control.

"This monument will never be desecrated," Trump declared to cheers and applause. "These heroes will never be defaced. Their legacy will never, ever be destroyed. Their achievements will never be forgotten. And Mount Rushmore will stand forever as an eternal tribute to our forefathers and to our freedom."

Published 5 hours ago
Last Update 2 hours ago
Trump, in fiery Mount Rushmore address, decries rise of 'far-left fascism,' calls on Americans to rise up
By Gregg Re

Use the right definition if you want to defeat American Communists instead of calling it a "left-wing cultural revolution". Here is lengthy definition. I say lengthy because it only takes a few words to define the Democrat Party’s counter-revolution:

Anti-Soviet Agitation and Propaganda (ASA) was a criminal offence in the Soviet Union. To begin with the term was interchangeably used with counter-revolutionary agitation. The latter term was in use immediately after the first Russian Revolution in February 1917. The offence was codified in criminal law in the 1920s, and revised in the 1950s in two articles of the RSFSR Criminal Code. The offence was widely used against Soviet dissidents.

Make no mistake about it. American Communists (DEMOCRATS) will fight to the death to protect and defend their victorious American revolution. Tearing down this country to ‘build a better world’ is exactly the same argument Russian Communists used to tear down Imperial Russia (1894 - 1917). Everybody that stands in the way of American Communists is a counter-revolutionary liable to execution:

The new Criminal Codes of the 1920s introduced the offence of Anti-Soviet Agitation and Propaganda as one of the many forms of counter-revolutionary activity grouped together under Article 58 of the Russian RSFSR Penal Code. The article was put in force on 25 February 1927 and remained in force throughout the period of Stalinism. Article 58:10, "propaganda and agitation that called to overturn or undermining of the Soviet regime", was punishable with at least 6 months of imprisonment, up to and including the death sentence in periods of war or unrest.

As applied under Stalin's regime, the phrase in practice could mean virtually anything that a State security interrogator or informant wanted it to mean; consequently, the charge became an exceedingly potent weapon in political or personal quarrels and intrigues.

p.s. I know this will never happen, but I would legally define it MURDER when Communists destroy the statutes of long-gone historical figures. Hell, it might work because the murdered bodies are available.