Problems with ghosts & devils?


You lookin' at my pint?
Ghost / devil repeller
Get rid of ghost from your house
Haunted house, ghost hunting

Trisaksri ©
Ghost repellent

You or someone may have experience with ghost or devil after bought new second hand house from the former owner. Some houses may have bad spirit inside which will interfere your daily life unhappy and frighten your children. Finally many of you leave away the house and find a new home. We have a solution for you, "Trisaksri Ghost Repeller". Just place this device in side your house and switch ON. All ghost and devil will leave away your home and won't come back again. Now who run away, You or ghost ? Save money in finding a new home.

This is what the internets is all about.

Admit it. You'd love one of these.
Ghost / devil repeller
Get rid of ghost from your house
Haunted house, ghost hunting

Trisaksri ©
Ghost repellent

You or someone may have experience with ghost or devil after bought new second hand house from the former owner. Some houses may have bad spirit inside which will interfere your daily life unhappy and frighten your children. Finally many of you leave away the house and find a new home. We have a solution for you, "Trisaksri Ghost Repeller". Just place this device in side your house and switch ON. All ghost and devil will leave away your home and won't come back again. Now who run away, You or ghost ? Save money in finding a new home.

This is what the internets is all about.

Admit it. You'd love one of these.

Sort of like a Ronco Ghost-o-matic ghost repellant? lol

This is what makes the internet great.
I want one. Only so I can reverse engineer it and make a ghost repeller blocker so that ghosts everywhere can exist without the interference of the living.
I read a fun article yesterday concerning the problems with detecting elves in Iceland.

My favorite line of the article was "Before the aluminum company Alcoa could erect a smelting factory, "it had to defer to a government expert to scour the enclosed plant site and certify that no elves were on or under it."

Whenever we bitch about the EPA or other agencies requiring permits for work, we can at least be grateful we don't have to hire a seer to verify no elves will be harmed.

I read a fun article yesterday concerning the problems with detecting elves in Iceland.

My favorite line of the article was "Before the aluminum company Alcoa could erect a smelting factory, "it had to defer to a government expert to scour the enclosed plant site and certify that no elves were on or under it."

Whenever we bitch about the EPA or other agencies requiring permits for work, we can at least be grateful we don't have to hire a seer to verify no elves will be harmed.

That is freaking awesome! I'm off to Iceland to detect elves for a living!
Does sound like a cool way to make a living, doesn't it?
Walk in and take 6 months or so studying and rooting out the elves. The story said that most of the time it only takes an hour or so, but sometimes it can take up to 6 months. Mine would all be long-term elf exorcisms because I'm thorough that way.
Walk in and take 6 months or so studying and rooting out the elves. The story said that most of the time it only takes an hour or so, but sometimes it can take up to 6 months. Mine would all be long-term elf exorcisms because I'm thorough that way.

Well of course, you would be. What most people don't realize is that the one hour deals don't really help for the long term.

You have to make sure there are no elves, and that no elves will move in. Its an intense process.

I guess you could do it in 6 months, with the right help. I think if we partnered up, we could be much more efficient. It'll still take 6 months, but one of us could be relaxing while the other exorcised.
Well of course, you would be. What most people don't realize is that the one hour deals don't really help for the long term.

You have to make sure there are no elves, and that no elves will move in. Its an intense process.

I guess you could do it in 6 months, with the right help. I think if we partnered up, we could be much more efficient. It'll still take 6 months, but one of us could be relaxing while the other exorcised.
It is quite a draining process and we'll need much pub time to relax. Of course we'll have to charge the pub for our anti-elf presence. I say, whatever our tab might be will do.

You write up the business plan, we'll see if we can get some grant money and find a Voodoo Priestess that will sign an affidavit about our elf-exorcising processes.

The next step will be finding out where to use our massive anti-unicorn abilities to keep the streets clean from unicorn droppings and setting up shop there. The problem is the pubs won't be as willing to part with money for our ability. First we'll need to draw them in to drop on the pub entrance to show that we're good for business.
It is quite a draining process and we'll need much pub time to relax. Of course we'll have to charge the pub for our anti-elf presence. I say, whatever our tab might be will do.

You write up the business plan, we'll see if we can get some grant money and find a Voodoo Priestess that will sign an affidavit about our elf-exorcising processes.

The next step will be finding out where to use our massive anti-unicorn abilities to keep the streets clean from unicorn droppings and setting up shop there. The problem is the pubs won't be as willing to part with money for our ability. First we'll need to draw them in to drop on the pub entrance to show that we're good for business.

Rather than a Voodoo priestess, I would suggest a Celtic Witch, its closer to what the icelandic people know. Better reference.

The anti-unicorn work should be booming, since only a virgin can approach a unicorn, and people don't let 3rd graders out alone anymore. I say we partner that with a recycling business to sell the unicorn manure as a magickal fertilizer in order to grow magickal gardens. The new-agers and wiccans will buy it by the truckload.

The pub is easy. Elves can steal or sour beer. Just need "someone we don't know" to complain about sour beer everywhere we don't hang out.
Rather than a Voodoo priestess, I would suggest a Celtic Witch, its closer to what the icelandic people know. Better reference.

The anti-unicorn work should be booming, since only a virgin can approach a unicorn, and people don't let 3rd graders out alone anymore. I say we partner that with a recycling business to sell the unicorn manure as a magickal fertilizer in order to grow magickal gardens. The new-agers and wiccans will buy it by the truckload.

The pub is easy. Elves can steal or sour beer. Just need "someone we don't know" to complain about sour beer everywhere we don't hang out.
We can hire Charver, and it will be more convincing. His Brit accent will clearly prove that we don't know him. We can also sell "Heirloom seeds" certified to be not scientifically enhanced to plant in the unicorn poop.
We can hire Charver, and it will be more convincing. His Brit accent will clearly prove that we don't know him. We can also sell "Heirloom seeds" certified to be not scientifically enhanced to plant in the unicorn poop.

3 seeds per customer?

How about trolls? Aren't they a problem in a lot of areas? Haunting bridges and such?
Speaking of smoking --- did you see the news today that Oregon is contemplating growing, selling and taxing marijuana? It was a video item so I didn't watch it, but it's on the Yahoo! site.