Profiles in Courage


Will work for Scooby snacks
Profile in Courage

Iraq Vote Could Resonate In 2008

When Sen. John E. Sununu (R-N.H.) saw reporters approaching him last week, he took off in a sprint, determined to say as little as possible about a nonbinding resolution opposing President Bush's troop-escalation plan, which is expected to come before the Senate today.

"You know where I stand," the senator, who is considered politically vulnerable back home, said repeatedly as he fled down stairways at the Capitol. "I'm still looking."
This article is a prime example of liberal bias in the media. All liberal talking points. LOL
This article is a prime example of liberal bias in the media. All liberal talking points. LOL

Well no one believes the current Republican talking points now-a-days.
Neo talking points have become about like trying to sell heaters in hell.