Project Bluebeam


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NASA's Project Blue Beam
By Serge Monast (1994)

The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. I'll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now.

Engineered Earthquakes & Hoaxed 'Discoveries'
The first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns the breakdown [re-evaluation] of all archaeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up, with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet, of supposedly new discoveries which will finally explain to all people the "error" of all fundamental religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted. Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with the film, '2001: A Space Odyssey;' the StarTrek series, and 'Independence Day;' all of which deal with invasions from space and the coming together of all nations to repel the invaders. The last films, 'Jurrassic Park,' deals with the theories of evolution, and claim God's words are lies.

Hoaxed "Discoveries'
What is important to understand in the first step is that those earthquakes will hit at different parts of the world where scientific and archaeological teachings have indicated that arcane mysteries have been buried. By those types of earthquakes, it will be possible for scientists to rediscover those arcane mysteries which will be used to discredit all fundamental religious doctrines. This is the first preparation for the plan for humanity because what they want to do is destroy the beliefs of all Christians and Muslims on the planet. To do that, they need some false 'proof' from the far past that will prove to all nations that their religions have all been misinterpreted and misunderstood.

The Big Space Show in the Sky
The second step in the NASA Blue Beam Project involves a gigantic 'space show' with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith. This new 'god's' voice will be speaking in all languages. In order to understand that, we must study various secret services' research done in the last 25 years. The Soviet's have perfected an advanced computer, even exported them, and fed them with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electromechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain. These computers were fed, as well, with the languages of all human cultures and their meanings. The dialects of all cultures have been fed into the computers from satellite transmissions. The Soviets began to feed the computers with objective programs like the ones of the new messiah. It also seems that the Soviets - the new world order people - have resorted to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating electronic wavelengths for every person and every society and culture to induce suicidal thoughts if the person doesn't comply with the dictates of the new world order.

More at link...
Why doesn't damo want people to do the search themselves? Hmmmm.

The truth must be out there
Actually, if I get enough stuff like this here people who are searching may find this site and participate. It's good stuff, even if you don't think that movie projections on the sodium layer is going to convince the populace that a new savior has arrived.
Gotta love those fundamentalist loonies. (Disclaimer: Not ALL Fundamentalists are loonies, nor are all loonies fundamentalists, but THESE people are fundamentalist loonies)
I understand that if you make a hat out of tin foil, or aluminum foil, it will block the though control gadgets and thereby protect you from this Satanic plot. I understand they are Noahides as well.
Gotta love those fundamentalist loonies. (Disclaimer: Not ALL Fundamentalists are loonies, nor are all loonies fundamentalists, but THESE people are fundamentalist loonies)

Right. nobody would ever lie to or try to manipulate people..

Grow up, scrotumsqueeze.

NASA's Project Blue Beam
By Serge Monast (1994)

The infamous NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] Blue Beam Project has four different steps in order to implement the new age religion with the Antichrist at its head. We must remember that the new age religion is the very foundation for the new world government, without which religion the dictatorship of the new world order is completely impossible. I'll repeat that: Without a universal belief in the new age religion, the success of the new world order will be impossible! That is why the Blue Beam Project is so important to them, but has been so well hidden until now.

Engineered Earthquakes & Hoaxed 'Discoveries'
The first step in the NASA Blue Beam Project concerns the breakdown [re-evaluation] of all archaeological knowledge. It deals with the set-up, with artificially created earthquakes at certain precise locations on the planet, of supposedly new discoveries which will finally explain to all people the "error" of all fundamental religious doctrines. The falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted. Psychological preparations for that first step have already been implemented with the film, '2001: A Space Odyssey;' the StarTrek series, and 'Independence Day;' all of which deal with invasions from space and the coming together of all nations to repel the invaders. The last films, 'Jurrassic Park,' deals with the theories of evolution, and claim God's words are lies.

Hoaxed "Discoveries'
What is important to understand in the first step is that those earthquakes will hit at different parts of the world where scientific and archaeological teachings have indicated that arcane mysteries have been buried. By those types of earthquakes, it will be possible for scientists to rediscover those arcane mysteries which will be used to discredit all fundamental religious doctrines. This is the first preparation for the plan for humanity because what they want to do is destroy the beliefs of all Christians and Muslims on the planet. To do that, they need some false 'proof' from the far past that will prove to all nations that their religions have all been misinterpreted and misunderstood.

The Big Space Show in the Sky
The second step in the NASA Blue Beam Project involves a gigantic 'space show' with three-dimensional optical holograms and sounds, laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith. This new 'god's' voice will be speaking in all languages. In order to understand that, we must study various secret services' research done in the last 25 years. The Soviet's have perfected an advanced computer, even exported them, and fed them with the minute physio-psychological particulars based on their studies of the anatomy and electromechanical composition of the human body, and the studies of the electrical, chemical and biological properties of the human brain. These computers were fed, as well, with the languages of all human cultures and their meanings. The dialects of all cultures have been fed into the computers from satellite transmissions. The Soviets began to feed the computers with objective programs like the ones of the new messiah. It also seems that the Soviets - the new world order people - have resorted to suicidal methods with the human society by allocating electronic wavelengths for every person and every society and culture to induce suicidal thoughts if the person doesn't comply with the dictates of the new world order.

More at link...

I hope I'm still around to see the show! I mean WOW!!!
Actually, if I get enough stuff like this here people who are searching may find this site and participate. It's good stuff, even if you don't think that movie projections on the sodium layer is going to convince the populace that a new savior has arrived.

It's not just the projections. it's in concert with a lifetime of being programmed with lies, and an inability to believe that authority figures would lie.
It has to be impressive. Do you think that the thought projection directly into our heads will be better or sound more "hollow" than surround sound?

Hmmm, if the thought projection enters the mind through what we refer to as our "third eye", located in the lower middle of our forehead, maybe Bose is working on some kind of miniature wave system we can cram up our nose.

On the other hand I imagine such a device wouldn't be a big seller to snorters.
I wish they'd tell me when it is happening, wouldn't that be the time to be on the back porch with a beer, the BBQ hot, some bratz and 'kraut, the stereo playing Pink Floyd... maybe a friend who hopefully remembers the bag?
It has to be impressive. Do you think that the thought projection directly into our heads will be better or sound more "hollow" than surround sound?

I would guess if they used ULF to beam the transmissions, then by way of bone conduction you'd get a pretty resonant sound. It could wind up sounding muddy though.
Hmmm, if the thought projection enters the mind through what we refer to as our "third eye", located in the lower middle of our forehead, maybe Bose is working on some kind of miniature wave system we can cram up our nose.

On the other hand I imagine such a device wouldn't be a big seller to snorters.

One thing us Brits love about the USA is that they have a much better class of loonies, we just cannot compete.
I have never asked you before but what part of Canada are you from?
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One thing us Brits love about the USA is that they have a much better class of loonies, we just cannot compete.
I have never asked you before but what part of Canada are you from?

I'm in Quebec but lived 10 years in British Columbia until my EX threw me out. She stayed there and I put a continent between us. HA!

I have long lost relatives in England. My mother used to visit every 3 years or so although I've never been there. My maternal grandparents were from England.

What part of England do you call home?
I'm in Quebec but lived 10 years in British Columbia until my EX threw me out. She stayed there and I put a continent between us. HA!

I have long lost relatives in England. My mother used to visit every 3 years or so although I've never been there. My maternal grandparents were from England.

What part of England do you call home?

I was born in London in the East End so I can lay claim to being a Cockney although I left when I was very young to live in the wilds of Essex. I have lived in various places since but I now live in the North of England, I will PM you as to exactly where.

My friend Richard live in Vancouver, I keep saying that I will go and visit him some time. The last time I saw him was about a year ago in Thailand.
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I was born in London in the East End so I can lay claim to being a Cockney although I left when I was very young to live in the wilds of Essex. I have lived in various places since but I now live in the North of England, I will PM you as to exactly where.

My friend Richard live in Vancouver, I keep saying that I will go and visit him some time. The last time I saw him was about a year ago in Thailand.

Vancouver is a beautiful city. You'll enjoy it.
I was born in London in the East End so I can lay claim to being a Cockney although I left when I was very young to live in the wilds of Essex. I have lived in various places since but I now live in the North of England, I will PM you as to exactly where.

My friend Richard live in Vancouver, I keep saying that I will go and visit him some time. The last time I saw him was about a year ago in Thailand.
