Project BlueBeam

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Project BlueBeam By serge monast
The old maxim, 'divide and conquer', is being played out to the limit worldwide to ensure that everyone is frightened for their personal safety, and to be suspicious of everyone else. This, too, is mind-control. To go further in regard to the new technology which is at the base of the NASA Blue Beam Project, we have to consider this statement by psychologist James V. McConnell which was published in a 1970s issue of Psychology Today. He said, 'The day has come when we can combine sensory deprivation with drug hypnosis and astute manipulation of reward and punishment to gain almost absolute control over an individual's behavior. It should then be possible to achieve a very rapid and highly effective type of positive brainwashing that would allow us to make dramatic changes in a person's behavior and personality.'

Now, when we talked before about that kind of ray and the telepathic and electronically augmented communication, the kind of rays that are fed from the memories of computers which store massive data about humans, human language and dialects, and we said that the people will be reached from within, making each person to believe that his own god is speaking directly from within his or her own soul, we refer to that kind of technology and that kind of thinking that same psychologist was espousing, that is: we should be trained from birth that we should all do what society wants us to do rather than what we want to do for ourselves; that because they have the technology to do it, no one should now be allowed to have their own individual personality. This statement and these ideas are important because it is the basic teaching of the United Nations that no one owns his or her own personality. And that same psychologist claims that no one has any say-so about the kind of personality they acquire and there is no reason to believe you have the right to refuse to acquire a new personality if your old personality is considered 'antisocial.'

What is important in this declaration is that the new world order will be set up over the current system, meaning the old way of thinking and behavior and religion will be considered the 'old' and incorrect way of thinking and that they can change it at one of the eradication camps of the United Nations to make sure that anyone with this 'antisocial' behavior will be disposed of quickly so that other modified individuals will be able to fulfill the needs and agendas of the new world order without being distracted by the truth.

Could this be the greatest mind control project ever?
That article seems to be about what I would call direct neural interface....
Which I suspect will never work, because no 2 brains are exactly alike in the way data is stored and the individually developed algorythyms in the brain to reason and retrieve information with.
That article seems to be about what I would call direct neural interface....
Which I suspect will never work, because no 2 brains are exactly alike in the way data is stored and the individually developed algorythyms in the brain to reason and retrieve information with.

I suspect you have no fucking clue. Scientists have diagrammed the brain and in general they know which parts control what, and with a little feedback they pinpoint spots directly.
Yeah in a general way on areas.
just like the video processor contols the video in you PC, the memory stores data, etc. but how it is done depends on the video chip manufacturer, the operating system, apple vs PC, etc.
I have a lot bigger clue on this than you do apparently Asshat.

If what you say is true then DR's could just go in and erase a traumatic memory and such.

Now something that could generate a generalized mood thing is a bit different. that might be possible, to generate fear, happiness, etc in most people.
Yeah in a general way on areas.
just like the video processor contols the video in you PC, the memory stores data, etc. but how it is done depends on the video chip manufacturer, the operating system, apple vs PC, etc.
I have a lot bigger clue on this than you do apparently Asshat.

I see no evidence of superior knowledge. I just see your usual gadfly meritless idiocy.
You used some computer metaphors. No. I will not accept that as superior knowledge RE: the remote control of humans.
That's because you still suffer under the delusion of atomism: you refuse to accept that human beings are not truly "sovereign" in the classical sense.

I hates to break this to you, Bubbi, but childishness is neither cute nor noble.

Certainly, one can abuse the ability to influence the opinions, wants and desires of others. Propaganda and marketing -- such influence wielded by governmental and business agencies, respectively -- can be abused all too easily. You can't, however, simply outlaw any attempt to make such a manipulation. It's human nature to do these things. On the oldest and most simple level, we call it "charisma."
That's because you still suffer under the delusion of atomism: you refuse to accept that human beings are not truly "sovereign" in the classical sense.

I hates to break this to you, Bubbi, but childishness is neither cute nor noble.

Certainly, one can abuse the ability to influence the opinions, wants and desires of others. Propaganda and marketing -- such influence wielded by governmental and business agencies, respectively -- can be abused all too easily. You can't, however, simply outlaw any attempt to make such a manipulation. It's human nature to do these things. On the oldest and most simple level, we call it "charisma."

Fuckass, you suffer under the belief that somehow individual humans can somehow be specialized into specialized "cells" of a new human "organism", where you think you and your evil fascists friends get to be "the brain" etc etc. long story short, genocide, slavery, etc.

Fuck you and your nihilist japanimation transformer bullshit.
Oh. And Im not against free speech or marketing. I would be happy with putting leaders in corporate and government positions who actually pursue the interests of americans in policy decisions, instead of trying to figure out how to convince people it's good that their jobs get outsourced to please china. And of course, a complete elimination of the federal reserve system and a return to a reality based currency. These are my modest requests. Im no radical.
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It's so funny. Ornot thinks being a fascist, dehumanizing, elitist indicates wisdom and maturity.

People are basically good. Cynicism and evil are not wisdom.
People are basically good ?
Most individuals are basically good, but people are stupit, greedy, and fear driven.
The more people that are gathered together the the more stupit they are.
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People are basically good ?
Most individuals are basically good, but people are stupit, greedy, and fear driven.
The more people that are gathered together the the more stupit they are.

People are basically good. They are corrupted by degrees by fearful old people who tell them "good is an illusion, you have to get yours by being corrupt.". That's how the evil fuckers plan to achieve their "genocide by consent" agenda.
It's occurred to me recently how utterly dysfunctional and sick the story of Abraham and Isaac is. But it's shockingly similar to our social security dynamic.