Promise Broken: Trump Claimed He Would Self-Fund His Campaign. Remember???


Diversity Makes Greatness
Trump has been lying to America from the start:

"Throughout the fall and winter, a favorite media narrative was to link Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump together, two outsiders who were upending their respective parties’ races by blasting donor-driven big-money politics. Sanders has kept to that rhetoric into the spring, making the recitation of his famous $27 average donation a centerpiece of every stump speech. But for Trump, it has turned out to be just that: rhetoric.

With the Republican nomination all but secured, Trump has changed his tune for the general election. Trump is suddenly looking to build a major fundraising operation, complete with donors and super PACs, rather than self-funding, as he’s boasted time and again that he is doing.

“I will make a decision fairly soon as to that,” he said last week, wiping away those months of promises. “I mean, do I want to sell a couple of buildings and self-fund? I don’t know that I want to do that necessarily, but I really won’t be asking for money for myself, I’ll be asking money for the party.”"

2016 Election
The Lie of Trump's 'Self-Funding' Campaign

Pundits are calling foul on the presumptive Republican nominee for starting to court donors, but he’s depended on donations and loans to himself all along.

And now look at him. Pleading for donations.

He's got Multi millionaire televangelists pleading for donations for him.

What a con man.

And what a waste of money for anyone who falls for his schtick.

If he starts a new political party it should be called the "Easy Mark Party."

Trump on Twitter:

"Donald J. Trump
about 5 years ago

By self-funding my campaign, I am not controlled by my donors, special interests or lobbyists. I am only working for the people of the U.S.!"
'This'll be GREAT! This billionaire has had enough BS. He's going to fight for us, the little guy; and the best part is we don't have to send him any money! He's so rich he's going to self-fund his own campaign.'
Send him money! Stop the Steal!

(Actually if you send him money you are perpetuating the steal but shhh, don't tell anybody.)
The Republican Party is dead

Left in its place is a bunch of weasels who hate trump but fear him and his conned dupes who believe nothing but what a fat failed sociopathic idiot tells them to think

This “party” will NEVER grow

It will only shrink

And it’s master will only live a few more years

Most of the trump cabal are old and will be dead soon too

Nothing but failure in its futures
Trump promised to self-fund his campaign, yeah right, and that's what any conman will tell you, but the reality is that Trump is in a precarious financial position, and he is out to exploit his low intelligent supporters.
Hello Trumpet,

Trump promised to self-fund his campaign, yeah right, and that's what any conman will tell you, but the reality is that Trump is in a precarious financial position, and he is out to exploit his low intelligent supporters.

Shhh, don't tell the conned they got conned.

They'll be so angry at themselves when they figure it out.
Hello evince,

The Republican Party is dead

Left in its place is a bunch of weasels who hate trump but fear him and his conned dupes who believe nothing but what a fat failed sociopathic idiot tells them to think

This “party” will NEVER grow

It will only shrink

And it’s master will only live a few more years

Most of the trump cabal are old and will be dead soon too

Nothing but failure in its futures

It never was about Building a good future for America.

It was about building a lot of wealth for Donald.

Donald Trump never did ANYTHING unless he thought there was something in it for HIM.
Every time he pretended to care about America, he was really just attaching his name to a big story for branding.

All his supporters got punked.
Trump has been lying to America from the start:

"Throughout the fall and winter, a favorite media narrative was to link Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump together, two outsiders who were upending their respective parties’ races by blasting donor-driven big-money politics. Sanders has kept to that rhetoric into the spring, making the recitation of his famous $27 average donation a centerpiece of every stump speech. But for Trump, it has turned out to be just that: rhetoric.

With the Republican nomination all but secured, Trump has changed his tune for the general election. Trump is suddenly looking to build a major fundraising operation, complete with donors and super PACs, rather than self-funding, as he’s boasted time and again that he is doing.

“I will make a decision fairly soon as to that,” he said last week, wiping away those months of promises. “I mean, do I want to sell a couple of buildings and self-fund? I don’t know that I want to do that necessarily, but I really won’t be asking for money for myself, I’ll be asking money for the party.”"

2016 Election
The Lie of Trump's 'Self-Funding' Campaign

Pundits are calling foul on the presumptive Republican nominee for starting to court donors, but he’s depended on donations and loans to himself all along.

And now look at him. Pleading for donations.

He's got Multi millionaire televangelists pleading for donations for him.

What a con man.

And what a waste of money for anyone who falls for his schtick.

If he starts a new political party it should be called the "Easy Mark Party."

Trump on Twitter:

"Donald J. Trump
about 5 years ago

By self-funding my campaign, I am not controlled by my donors, special interests or lobbyists. I am only working for the people of the U.S.!"

2015 is not 2020, dumbass.
The Republican Party is dead

Left in its place is a bunch of weasels who hate trump but fear him and his conned dupes who believe nothing but what a fat failed sociopathic idiot tells them to think

This “party” will NEVER grow

It will only shrink

And it’s master will only live a few more years

Most of the trump cabal are old and will be dead soon too

Nothing but failure in its futures

Making shit up again?
Hello evince,

It never was about Building a good future for America.

It was about building a lot of wealth for Donald.

Donald Trump never did ANYTHING unless he thought there was something in it for HIM.

Apparently you have never seen any of his rallies or any of Biden's rallies.
Apparently you have never seen any of his rallies or any of Biden's rallies.

Ah, Biden didn't have rallies, nor did he catch Covid, do you think the two might be related

And to believe that Trump didn't personally profit off of being President is inane, did you think that those hundred plus trips only to Trump owned resorts was because he preferred those golf courses
You cannot win with rightys. Trump said over and over that he was self-funding and therefore had no allegiances to the wealthy. His followers repeated endlessly that he was self-funding and above the fray. Then it was clear he was not self-funding. Rightys changed to saying nobody believed he would be self-funding it is just Trump being Trump. No explanation of why they kept saying it. Just move on.
Hello Nordberg,

You cannot win with rightys. Trump said over and over that he was self-funding and therefore had no allegiances to the wealthy. His followers repeated endlessly that he was self-funding and above the fray. Then it was clear he was not self-funding. Rightys changed to saying nobody believed he would be self-funding it is just Trump being Trump. No explanation of why they kept saying it. Just move on.

Totally right. Trump made false promises. The self-funding thing was a big one. Oh, that was the big rage at first. All his supporters thought this was going to be great. They get this guy in there fighting for them and they don't even have to donate any money to the campaign because he's a billionaire and he won't need any. It's nothing to him to self-fund a whole campaign.

Sounds too good to be true? That's because i twas. What BS. And he's got a great bridge to sell ya, too.

Only after he gets his following hooked on the rhetoric, then comes the bait and switch. Oh, well, after all, it turns out he does need his supporters money.

Blah blah blah...

Yeah, what a con.

Very smooth.

And look at all the people who fell for it.



And Sinker.
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Hello Tacomaman,

A few of tRump's big money donors wound up with Cabinet positions.
His campaign was funded like all others.

Trump has a bad habit of selecting people based on how much they adore him.

He doesn't believe in vetting.

He's only interested in subservience.
Fake News.

You are simply in denial. Devos, Ross and Mnuchin were all MEGA DONORS to tRump's 2016 campaign. And they are ALL in tRump's Cabinet.

By the way, you might consider educating yourself before you call another poster a "dumbass". Your ignorance on this topic alone highlights your own "dumbassness".