Promise made, promise broken

The Teatards are strangely silent these days. I wonder why? Oh that's right. The bad black man is gone. Now debt no longer matters.

Hail to the Orange!
The Teatards are strangely silent these days. I wonder why? Oh that's right. The bad black man is gone. Now debt no longer matters.

Hail to the Orange!
I’ve noticed that as well, it will start, again, when a Democrat is in office, but the Democrat will lower it, just like Clinton and Obama did.

Hello Phantasmal,

Remember when we were told our coffers would be full because of it and the tariffs, but the exact opposite is true, we’ve lost revenue.

He promised the economy would be 6% and the tax cut would not only pay for itself but pay down the debt.

Trump has already told his people that the debt does not matter. He figures he will not be around when it has to be dealt with. Trump cares about Trump.
Oh STFU you liberal douche bags .... not a peep out of you when Obama doubled our debt !!!

A lot of interest has to be paid on that debt .....
Um, aren't you jumping the gun? Is 3 years synonymous with 8 years? Might be time to cut back on the weed a little bit.

Adding 3 trillion-plus is not exactly a method for ending the debt, The plan is not working well. Trump is talking about slashing SS, Medicare, Medicaid and Food Stamps. I suppose that would work making you quite happy.