promised bin laden video tape

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
should the major media organizations show the tape

i think it is just a propaganda tool and it may do well for the bulk of the population to ignore it or at least until after 9/11
I think they should show portions of it. I don't think you can expect them to show the whole thing because of how valuable broadcasting time is, but it should be available on the web.

They should show part of it because it is verification that the guy is alive, should it surface, and that's hugely important. Why even have TV if you're not going to show the visuals? It's proof that its real. As far as "catapulting the propaganda," they don't have to translate it, they don't have to show all of it, etc.

This is a free marketplace of ideas.
I'm reasonably sure we can find and watch it on Al-Jazeera, with subtitles and everything.
Ron Paul would probably find a way to halt the free marketplace of ideas. Where do you come down on airing video/audio of Bin Laden's tapes? Or can't you find it on Ron Paul's website?

You know I am joking, why do you make such a stupid response? Trying to beat usc to it?

No, Paul would do much to open up the free market in ideas and remove government controls on it.

I have spoken of differences with Paul.

Obviously, if the stations want to air it, then it's their choice.
I believe stations should choose to air at least parts of it. Do you disagree? No? Then shit it and stop being unnecessarily belligerent.
I believe stations should choose to air at least parts of it. Do you disagree? No? Then shit it and stop being unnecessarily belligerent.

Belligerent? I was making a joke about you supporting a free market. It's not your usual position.

I don't really care what they do since I don't watch much network news. If I want to know what he said I will get it off the internet.

I think, you are correct that from a business standpoint it does not make sense for them to air all of it. I do not imagine many people will want to hear it all. I sure don't. There will be interest in the highlights.

I think the press should behave just like any provider of goods/service in the market and deliver what their customers want. And if they choose not to, that's okay, but they will be replaced.

my question is should we (or at least or media) pander to spreading bin laden's bullshit

finding a copy should be no problem

verifying that it is bin laden is another problem though
Let's see if there is a video tape first, they've been promising one for the last 3 years.

Maybe he's spent the last three years learning to act and has targetted the 2008 Oscar ceremony to make an explosive impact?
Let's see if there is a video tape first, they've been promising one for the last 3 years.

Maybe he's spent the last three years learning to act and has targetted the 2008 Oscar ceremony to make an explosive impact?

Love it! I can see it now:

"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?"

He will bring a tear to the eye and become America's new Idol. Hollywood agents will be lining up to sign him up. And the real pay-off will come when bush leaves office and they hit the road as a dinner theatre twosome. Sold out all over!