proof obama is not "god"

You know, conservatives constant proclamations that their opposition commonly blows up Obama to deific sizes is sort of a

I was only asked for 10% by my church (on God's behalf).

Obama seemed to want significantly more.

bull that is just the base entrance fee.
Missionary funds, Vacation Bible School, etc.

And NEVER join a church that is starting a building expansion :shock:

I have never seen a church that will turn away a dollar.
Or politican either for that matter.
Or just a pricier God? The sort of God you find in a fancy boutique, instead of the kind I found at Deities-R-Us or GodMart.

AHH those houses of discount worship. Where you can make a $20 donation for $12.99.
And the program is printed on a knapkin for use during the communion .
Yurt, it was a joke that only a conservative would find funny. You shouldn't expect to make partisan jokes and get a free ride on a political site. hasn't cost me anything....unless i count the misery of your stupid posts in this couldn't even make a proper strawman post