APP - Proof of racists in tea party

Next your gonna tell us the kkk is just pro white. Not that you could have gotten in, but college would have helped you GED boy!
Next your gonna tell us the kkk is just pro white. Not that you could have gotten in, but college would have helped you GED boy!


look at the allegedly pure evil 14 words:

We must secure an existence for our people and a future for white children.

or something like that.

Is that hate speech, or just the purpose of any ethnic rights organization?

look at the allegedly pure evil 14 words:

We must secure an existence for our people and a future for white children.

or something like that.

Is that hate speech, or just the purpose of any ethnic rights organization?

The words themselves are not hateful...though I would say that any desire to remain ethnically white, black, red or yellow is at best shallow.

The KKK is a racist organization for 2 distinct reasons. It has used violence against blacks, jews, hispanics and non-whites as if they are justified to do so. And because they actually believe that they are superior over all human kind and that this is due to the color of their skin~~~
The words themselves are not hateful...though I would say that any desire to remain ethnically white, black, red or yellow is at best shallow.

The KKK is a racist organization for 2 distinct reasons. It has used violence against blacks, jews, hispanics and non-whites as if they are justified to do so. And because they actually believe that they are superior over all human kind and that this is due to the color of their skin~~~

No kidding?!?! THAT'S why the KKK is racist?

Then here's another news flash for ya!

Water is WET!

Yo, Captain Obvious, thanks for stating something so profoundly mysterious tht nobody had figured it out til you came along.
No kidding?!?! THAT'S why the KKK is racist?

Then here's another news flash for ya!

Water is WET!

Yo, Captain Obvious, thanks for stating something so profoundly mysterious tht nobody had figured it out til you came along.

Awww did your wife piss in your wheaties yet again fatso??? :cof1:
Watch closely as the pitiful Rightie, denied in it's attempts at posting personal information on the boards, now goes back to the one thing it does best, the FAT JOKE!:good4u:

News Flash!

If you weren't so fat, there wouldn't be FAT JOKES, eh Cheesecake Gut?


Go on a diet if you want to be walking your daughter down the aisle, eh Rollo Man?
apparently even APP is not safe from zap's insults and thread derailments...

good lord, can't you give it a rest in just one forum zap? ice dancer made a good post and you had to act like a child and derail the thread with your petulant insults etc...
Watch closely as the pitiful Rightie, denied in it's attempts at posting personal information on the boards, now goes back to the one thing it does best, the FAT JOKE!:good4u:

The difference between us zap is this ...I can take my due comeuppance whereas you just fucking whine in your special hypocritical way.

Maybe I just enjoy being a brat so Damo can spank me :cool:

You just enjoy being a nasty asshole? I know this zap, your hyporisy knows no bounds just like your waistband! :eek:
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apparently even APP is not safe from zap's insults and thread derailments...

good lord, can't you give it a rest in just one forum zap? ice dancer made a good post and you had to act like a child and derail the thread with your petulant insults etc...

You are was useful, because until I read her post, I had NO IDEA WHY the KKK was considered racist.

I merely pointed out some other fascinating revelations that ID might not have been aware of, and they respond with their patented fat jokes, which you just ignore while whining about me...

For the race baiters
here at JPP

turdspin, cypress, evince

You guys should revise your understanding of who the tea party represents.

Your strawman (racist/violent/ignorant) is a joke. And the bigger joke is that you fall for the rhetoric of those who seek to divide this country, not unite everone.

Screw you, liberals

turdspin proved my point

apparently even APP is not safe from zap's insults and thread derailments...

good lord, can't you give it a rest in just one forum zap? ice dancer made a good post and you had to act like a child and derail the thread with your petulant insults etc...

I've thought about it some more, and you are right, I should never have interjected myself into this high-minded discussion of the history of our country.

HOW DARE I lower the level of discourse from the lofty peak of civility
tinfoil started out on?

You are was useful, because until I read her post, I had NO IDEA WHY the KKK was considered racist.

I merely pointed out some other fascinating revelations that ID might not have been aware of, and they respond with their patented fat jokes, which you just ignore while whining about me... just couldn't resist being your normal whiny insulting self....

I've thought about it some more, and you are right, I should never have interjected myself into this high-minded discussion of the history of our country.

HOW DARE I lower the level of discourse from the lofty peak of civility
tinfoil started out on?


There he goes, whining again!