Propane exchange companies are ripping you off.


uscitizen alternate login
The propane bottle exchange companies started putting only around 18 lbs of propane in the tanks instead of the full 20 lbs while the price of propane was high. Without telling anyone. Now that the price has dropped they are still selling 18 lb fills with no notice to consumers.

Thank the capitalist system while grilling your dogs and burgers.

Who needs stinking regulations.
Hmmmm. Not doubting you, but where did you learn this? How widespread is the practice and is there any way of determining it easily? Are there any consumer protection regulations covering this sort of thing or is it a state-by-state matter?

That's 20%!
Here ya go.

May 22, 5:19 PM EDT

Propane suppliers quietly reduce size of refills


DENVER (AP) -- Backyard grillers may get a little steamed this holiday weekend when buying refilled propane tanks: They will be getting less fuel for their money than last Memorial Day.

When oil prices soared in 2008, propane suppliers quietly reduced by two pounds the amount of gas pumped into each 20-pound tank, saying they wanted to avoid raising prices.

Since then, propane prices have been cut in half as the price of oil has dropped. But smaller refills are still being sold nationwide by many dealers, and most buyers are unaware because the tank is the same size.

"It's a price increase," retired lawyer Stuart Barr said Friday as he swapped a tank at a Home Depot store in Denver. "I'm a great believer in full disclosure. Give me the information."

The problem, consumers say, is that no one tells them they're getting less propane. Companies have adopted similar practices in the packaging of coffee, sugar and laundry detergent.

"I'm not surprised," said Tammi Dorsey of Denver. Carrying a tank of propane from a store Friday, initially unaware that she got less this time.

For the past year, tank exchanges at retail stores have generally cost $20 to $25. For a few bucks less, consumers can take their tanks to some stores to get them refilled instead of exchanging them. Those refills usually contain the full amount of fuel allowed by law.

Until last year, Blue Rhino and Amerigas, two major suppliers, put 17 to 18 pounds of propane in each 20-pound tank. Tanks should not be filled completely for safety reasons.

About a year ago, that amount was cut to 15 pounds to save consumers a price hike, Blue Rhino spokesman Chris Hartley said.

"There are a number of companies in different industries across the country addressing product packaging, just because of the soaring costs," he said.

Last year, all energy costs increased sharply, as did the price of steel used in tanks. Crude prices soared past $100 per barrel at the start of 2008 and climbed toward $150 by July. Propane futures hit $1.95 per gallon in the same month.

Those prices have all fallen this year, which would suggest bigger profits for propane distributors.

Hartley would not say if there were plans to return propane refills to the same levels as before the 2008 price spikes, but he did say that energy markets remain volatile.
If you are using propane in your grill you might just as well cook in the house on the stove.

Charcoal is the only way to go.

I try to tell hubby that, but he won't listen!

I agree with you.
In a skillet on electric? Perhaps if you have a gas grill in your stove.

Propane or electric are the same thing in my book. Either you use charcoal (or wood) or you may as well cook inside.

The smoke is what gives the food the flavor.