Proposal: Obama should establish a monarchy, the Kingdom of America


His Majesty Barack Obama should take power from the crumbling republic, and restore stability via a monarchy. Here is my proposed constitution:

His Majesty should have the right to appoint 50 senators - each state's royal governor should also appoint 1, giving a total of 100
This will be the only legislative body in the Kingdom of America
His Majesty should have the right to dismiss supreme court justices that displease them and replace them with those who are more agreeable to the spirit of the constitution
His Majesty should have the right to appoint the governor in every state
Royal governors should have the right to promulgate decrees to rule the inhabitants of barbarous and uncivilized interior tribal peoples
Royal governors can convene councils as a legislature if they so wish, but they only act as advisers

I hope this is agreeable to everyone.
Upon the death of his Majesty, His Kingdom of America should be deeded in full to his heir, Princess Malia, who should take control of her royal possessions and add it to her glorious royal domain. The American Kingdom will be deeded as the property of the Obama family in perpetuity.