Proposed amendment to the constitution


1. The Communist Party of the United States of America is the only legal party. All federal, state, and local political and legal offices are to be filled only be members of or candidates approved by The Party. All persons currently in such positions who are not party members in good standing are to be summarily dismissed.

2. Marxism-Leninism is the official ideology and guiding light of the United States of America. All law, as well as the constitution, is to be interpreted only through the lens of Marxism-Leninism. The United States is, has, and always will be a communist nation.

3. Article 5 of the constitution shall not apply to this amendment. It is irrevocable, and no future amendment may modify any part of this amendment in any form or fashion.

4. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
I'm sorry but an amendment like that would not be an amendment to the constitution it would be the destruction of the constitution as well as the destruction of everything that our founding fathers and generations of American soldiers have fought against since our founding, which is oppressive government and the denial of liberty.

Jefferson, Madison, Washington and others would be turning over in their graves if an amendment like that passed. Read the Declaration of Independence and compare that to the amendment you are wanting. Read the bill of rights and the constitution as a whole and then compare it to that amendment. Read the federalist papers and do the same. Do those things please and then tell us how your amendment compliments our constitution and our intended liberty. Also simply keeping article 5 would not protect our liberty. It would be soon be eliminated to benefit the one communist party so that it could never lose its new authority and the congress would no longer be a representation of the country if this passed so therefore congress would not even be congress anymore.
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1. The Communist Party of the United States of America is the only legal party. All federal, state, and local political and legal offices are to be filled only be members of or candidates approved by The Party. All persons currently in such positions who are not party members in good standing are to be summarily dismissed.

2. Marxism-Leninism is the official ideology and guiding light of the United States of America. All law, as well as the constitution, is to be interpreted only through the lens of Marxism-Leninism. The United States is, has, and always will be a communist nation.

3. Article 5 of the constitution shall not apply to this amendment. It is irrevocable, and no future amendment may modify any part of this amendment in any form or fashion.

4. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Right...that's the reason for ARTICLE 4 SECTION 4 Clause 1 and an explanation for such a clause in Madison's Federalist Paper No. 10


As explained in the Federalist Papers, Why a republic instead of democracy? According to Madison COMMUNISM SUCKS and is not in compliance with the PROPERTY RIGHTS of the PRIVATE CITIZENS and often die violent deaths due their nature.

I am grateful for the actual words in the US CONSTITUTION that builds a firewall against such idiotic "duplicity". Do you assume that others are not capable of testing the bull shit against the standard for the US RULE of LAW...the United States Constitution? :palm:
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I'm sorry but an amendment like that would not be an amendment to the constitution it would be the destruction of the constitution as well as the destruction of everything that our founding fathers and generations of American soldiers have fought against since our founding, which is oppressive government and the denial of liberty.

Jefferson, Madison, Washington and others would be turning over in their graves if an amendment like that passed. Read the Declaration of Independence and compare that to the amendment you are wanting. Read the bill of rights and the constitution as a whole and then compare it to that amendment. Read the federalist papers and do the same. Do those things please and then tell us how your amendment compliments our constitution and our intended liberty. Also simply keeping article 5 would not protect our liberty. It would be soon be eliminated to benefit the one communist party so that it could never lose its new authority and the congress would no longer be a representation of the country if this passed so therefore congress would not even be congress anymore.
Nora. Skidmark is trolling.

Just tell him "If it's 10% it's fair." and he'll shut up. ;)
Right...that's the reason for ARTICLE 4 SECTION 4 Clause 1 and an explanation for such a clause in Madison's Federalist Paper No. 10


As explained in the Federalist Papers, Why a republic instead of democracy? According to Madison COMMUNISM SUCKS and is not in compliance with the PROPERTY RIGHTS of the PRIVATE CITIZENS and often die violent deaths due their nature.

I am grateful for the actual words in the US CONSTITUTION that builds a firewall against such idiotic "duplicity". Do you assume that others are not capable of testing the bull shit against the standard for the US RULE of LAW...the United States Constitution? :palm:
Ralph. Skidmark is trolling you. He's not a communist. He's a manic depressive with delusions of grandeur. He just wants to see who looks under their bed at night to make sure a communist isn't hiding there for a good laugh cause communism has essentially been dead for almost 30 years now.

Read the federalist papers and do the same. Do those things please and then tell us how your amendment compliments our constitution and our intended liberty.

I've read the entire Federalist papers.

Also simply keeping article 5 would not protect our liberty. It would be soon be eliminated to benefit the one communist party so that it could never lose its new authority and the congress would no longer be a representation of the country if this passed so therefore congress would not even be congress anymore.

Article 5 of the constitution is the article that specifies how amendments are made to the constitution. By saying that "Article 5 doesn't apply to this amendment", I'm essentially saying that it can't be repealed or amended itself.
A single party state is still a republic. All a republic is is a country that is not a monarchy. And besides, an amendment to the constitution would supersede any conflicting part of the original constitution anyway
A single party state is still a republic. All a republic is is a country that is not a monarchy. And besides, an amendment to the constitution would supersede any conflicting part of the original constitution anyway
There is one serious difference Skidmark.

In a Republic everyone is looking for a party.

With Communism the party is looking for you!
The constitution has nothing to do with private property. Private property should be abolished. Then the founding comrades wishes can finally come to fruition.
I'm sorry but an amendment like that would not be an amendment to the constitution it would be the destruction of the constitution as well as the destruction of everything that our founding fathers and generations of American soldiers have fought against since our founding, which is oppressive government and the denial of liberty.

Jefferson, Madison, Washington and others would be turning over in their graves if an amendment like that passed. Read the Declaration of Independence and compare that to the amendment you are wanting. Read the bill of rights and the constitution as a whole and then compare it to that amendment. Read the federalist papers and do the same. Do those things please and then tell us how your amendment compliments our constitution and our intended liberty. Also simply keeping article 5 would not protect our liberty. It would be soon be eliminated to benefit the one communist party so that it could never lose its new authority and the congress would no longer be a representation of the country if this passed so therefore congress would not even be congress anymore.

Good grief woman, he is just trolling, And yes, he is really that sad.
Nora. Skidmark is trolling.

Just tell him "If it's 10% it's fair." and he'll shut up. ;)

I think we should instigate a crowd funding scheme to raise enough filthy luchre to get him laid!! Surely there must at least one demi-mondaine in Mississippi that is prepared to make the beast with two backs with him?
I think we should instigate a crowd funding scheme to raise enough filthy luchre to get him laid!! Surely there must at least one demi-mondaine in Mississippi that is prepared to make the beast with two backs with him?

How about a ticket to Bangkok?