APP - 'Prosperity Is Blue'


I have always been amazed at how the red states seem such economic failures, especially when run by a republican majority. When ideology manages your vote, consequences are irrelevant it seems. Pennsylvania where we live most of the time is sometimes considered purple, but Philly thankfully votes blue. Having worked through mergers in which some of my subordinates work in red states, I was always surprised by salary differences. The anti-union South along with the republican ideologues now has a presidential contender who has created a paradoxical fantasy in which at times he sounds more blue than red. lol

"How can conservative commentators claim that red states dominate? A tactic favored by Mr. Trump’s economic adviser Stephen Moore is to rely on measures goosed by population expansion, like job growth or a state economy’s size.

That’s like portraying India as a beacon of prosperity because it has one of the biggest economies in the world and creates millions of jobs annually. Economic performance is measured in the lives of individuals, not aggregates."
I used to think that too......however I was told by the mods that I was wrong and that it is a time honored method here......

So then you admit that if a mod doesn't care it's OK to be dishonest? Wow. No personal scruples, huh?

"I was never more hated than when I tried to be honest. Or when, even as just now I've tried to articulate exactly what I felt to be the truth. No one was satisfied." Ralph Ellison
So then you admit that if a mod doesn't care it's OK to be dishonest?

who is being dishonest?......I am simply exploring the depths of your inner psychotic makeup......revealing the truths you hide even from this situation for example, even though we both knew that Democratically run cities are the epitome of poorly managed government you were attempting to hide that truth behind a facade of lies......all we did was unleash the hidden truth in a way which made you properly the object of my mockery.......that isn't dishonesty.......that is justice......
who is being dishonest?......I am simply exploring the depths of your inner psychotic makeup......revealing the truths you hide even from this situation for example, even though we both knew that Democratically run cities are the epitome of poorly managed government you were attempting to hide that truth behind a facade of lies......all we did was unleash the hidden truth in a way which made you properly the object of my mockery.......that isn't dishonesty.......that is justice......

Modifying quotes to fit your world view reveals an insecurity and dishonesty. Make your arguments and we'll see if they hold. You constantly go off topic with cutesy lines, stay on topic, the point is Democrats are better for the economy, democratic states do better, and democratic policies work better for all Americans. If you disagree stay away from personal nonsense and prove the comments wrong. You can't so you get into childish personal comebacks. Grow up, show us what you got.

"No matter how one looks at the data- by relying on the findings of economists, by looking at state level or looking a federal data, and no matter which economic measure one looks at, the answer is the same: Democratic policies are performing better. And not just a little better- drastically better."
Modifying quotes to fit your world view reveals an insecurity and dishonesty.

????....the quote began by fitting your world view......I merely modified it to fit reality........why doesn't your original post reveal insecurity and was after all, dishonest.......
That made no sense.

Back on Topic:

"If the red states and the blue states were separated into two countries, which country would be more successful?"

And why?

the red states, based on a long history of Republican leadership being better economically.......

the first thing that would happen would be that the blue state country would raise taxes....
the second thing that would happen would be that all the manufacturers would move to the red state country....
then the blue state country would declare war on the red state country demanding that all the manufacturers be returned or at least be required to pay taxes to the country they left.....
then the blue state country would remember that they had no army because the red state country hired all the soldiers and the blue state country banned drones......
The question posed below has fascinated many people this election year. Since this thread is about red and blue states, supply side, free market economics, along with reduced taxes, versus the more regulated, fair tax, and governmental position of the liberal side. Who is winning and how does this election fit? 'It's the economy, stupid,' helped elect the first Clinton after Reagan-Bush failed. Republicans under Bush Jr have much of 2008 to their credit. Bush Jr's failure helped Barack Obama win the election. How do Hillary and Donald fit? Trump offers the greatest contrast as he opposes much of the republican / conservative fiscal policy. His position on trade for instance. So how do they support a guy who isn't one of them? In a sense Hillary is more republican than Trump?

'Confused conservatives: How can they back a guy who cares so little about their philosophy?

The conservative movement has proven to be empty by aligning with Trump — it might take years to recover' Heather Digby Parton

"Modern conservative movement philosophy was laid out back in the ’50s and ’60s with books and articles by the original generation of intellectuals and activists such as Phyllis Schlafly whose book “A Choice Not an Echo” was a seminal volume that informed the right for decades. It spelled out the ideology of small government, martial patriotism, “freedom” and traditional values and sold Goldwater as the brave cowboy who would make it happen. Since Ronald Reagan, those ideas have been sold as the “Republican brand” as well.

And frankly, the notion that disagreements over strategy and purity (“people you thought were your friends”) which have fueled the conservative movement for decades, is overblown as well. For instance, both movement and establishment leaders had no problem with the dogwhistle strategy of mining the racist white id for votes. Neither did they disagree about the ridiculous low tax and trickle down economic policies that only benefit the wealthy. They had no problem with the hypocrisy of their own leadership when it came to personal morals even as they excoriated their enemies for their moral lapses. These were all strategic decisions the coalition tolerated quite easily. What fueled the movement was betrayal and failure."

Red Kansas serves as an example of republican conservative policies in action.
certainly Washington DC can serve as an example of the opposite.....where would you rather live, Kansas or Washington DC?......

Washington in a second, but I do love the openness of the Midwest. I have a photograph from there of a church in an open field that gives a sense of space. Having spent lots of time in Washington and all the surrounding areas it can be a beautiful place. Museums, Georgetown U, the Metro, love it. When our children were home we'd often go on a Sunday to an art show or to a gallery opening. Of course you are giving yourself away and it is obvious what you mean.
Washington in a second, but I do love the openness of the Midwest. I have a photograph from there of a church in an open field that gives a sense of space. Having spent lots of time in Washington and all the surrounding areas it can be a beautiful place. Museums, Georgetown U, the Metro, love it. When our children were home we'd often go on a Sunday to an art show or to a gallery opening. Of course you are giving yourself away and it is obvious what you mean.

it should be obvious what I mean.....the schools are among the top ten worst in the nation........the city is near bankruptcy.....not even the congressmen responsible for its budget are willing to live there........
it should be obvious what I mean.....the schools are among the top ten worst in the nation........the city is near bankruptcy.....not even the congressmen responsible for its budget are willing to live there........

Schools are an interesting topic today. Why are they bad in the inner city? I am reading 'Hillbilly Elegy' and it is amazing how the poor whites in Kentucky and Ohio are so similar to poor blacks in decaying inner cities. Attitudes and lifestyles are similar. I'll let you read it, but you can easily see the importance of significant people and an education in a person's life.

Another thing that caught my interest was a piece in The New Republic on substitute teachers. My wife taught math forever, it seems, and she often commented on how children changed. Each year another bunch of brats arrived. All teachers have similar views and often they blame parents today. The piece below is worth a look.

In the south especially, it seems Christian and Home schooling education is prospering. I think back to my own parents and can't imagine them as our teacher. I wonder over time what effect all this will have on America? A solid public education would seem the best way. Be challenged not brain washed.