Prostitute-loving Bu$hCo. official, demanded "anti-prostitution oaths" from others...


Will work for Scooby snacks
Prostitute-loving Bu$hCo. official, demanded "anti-prostitution oaths" from others...

this just gets better and better. It's on a par with the Ted Haggard hypocrisy.

Official Caught Using Escort Service Demanded Anti-Prostitution ‘Loyalty Oaths’

Former U.S. AID director Randall Tobias, who resigned yesterday upon admitting that he frequented a Washington escort service, oversaw a controversial policy advocated by the religious right that required any US-based group receiving anti-AIDS funds to take an anti-prostitution “loyalty oath.”

Aid groups bitterly opposed the policy, charging that it “was so broad — and applied even to their private funds — that it would obstruct their outreach to sex workers who are at high risk of transmitting the AIDS virus.” But President Bush wouldn’t budge. He signed a 2003 National Security Presidential Directive saying prostitution “and related activities” were “inherently harmful and dehumanizing.”

Plus, this Tobias dude ran a program that alleged that prostitution was dehumanizing, and a program that allegedly sought to promote "healthy" relationships between men and women.

On Friday, Ross broke the news that U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Randall Tobias had frequented the escort service. Ross added new details to that story tonight, recounting how he asked Tobias in a telephone interview “if he knew any of the young women, their names. He said he didn’t remember them at all. He said it was like ordering pizza.”

Under President Bush, Tobias oversaw a program helping men in poor countries “develop healthy relationships with women.”

The last thing I'll add, is that when Tobias switched to the escort service that specialized in "central american females", was he promoting and enabling illegal immigation?
This administration has always promoted illegal immigration.

Anyway, this story gets funnier all the time.
This administration has always promoted illegal immigration.

Anyway, this story gets funnier all the time.
Darn it, Damo, you really need to recruit some more nuts for this site. We need someone to stand up there and defend this sort of thing! That's what political sites on the web are for, after all: abusing the hapless and intellectually inept.
The remaining persons who openly support Neo types are getting scarce and are mostly on "neo cult" sites.
Darn it, Damo, you really need to recruit some more nuts for this site. We need someone to stand up there and defend this sort of thing! That's what political sites on the web are for, after all: abusing the hapless and intellectually inept.

Ornot, you'd have to go to freerepublic, or some other far right wingnut site to find anybody to defend all the hypocrisy and incompetence coming out of Bush&Co.

Even on, the most loyal bush-worshippers have been reduced to saying nothing more than: "Well, democrats do it too!"
When considering this administration officials, listen to what they say, then assume they are doing the opposit.
When considering this administration officials, listen to what they say, then assume they are doing the opposit.

This has been my attitude for a while. My first assumption is that they are lying. Or at the very least deceiving.
Dixie was the only one defending the administration any more... Now things are booring around here.

Lets get some contraversy going.
So it is all about arguments not discussions to help solve problems.

And all Bush supporters without mental problems are keeping quiet.