Protect and Serve

I agree in some aspects, like the guy who was tazzed just for pointing at a speed sign to show the officer he wasn't in fact speeding, they ruled that OK...

I'll never to to utah, this crap is legal there, tazeing someone over a speeding ticket...
"Protect and Serve" is a sentence fragment. It could be phrased as a question - the purpose of the police is to protect and serve whom?

I get infuriated every time I watch that youtube video I posted, that 'cop' should be fired for excessive force, and thrown in jail, general population. First of all, what kind of police state idiot arrests someone for refusing to sign a speeding ticket, in this state, it's voluntary, and only a promise to appear, not in any way arrestable, if you refuse, it just saves you from another 300 dollar fine if you miss your court date.

Second why did he taze the man??? That can cause death, and was an extreme use of force, this 'cop' is a disgrace, it's a speeding ticket and the man was in no way hostile, and he feels he needs to taze the man... He is a disgrace, and so is the state of Utah for saying this kind of behavior is within the law.

Secondly, the 'cop' is one big moron, how he handled the situation. He tazes a man for no reason what so ever, then orders the woman into an unsearched vehicle, and orders her to shut the door, he's lucky he didn't pull over some real criminals who had a vehicle full of guns, while some pregnant crazy just watched you taze her husband going for the AK, he is tactically an idiot, he should have ordered her to the ground in a visible location, secured both suspects, cleared the vehicle. He's a moron, and a criminal himself.

I sure would hate to see what they can shoot you for there...
I'm sorry, why aren't these speeders in jail for life? There's no excuse for them to be out on the streets TO BE tazed in the first place.

And why don't you support the noble efforts of our men in blue, who are only trying to protect us from the scummy elements of our society, like speeders, and skateboarders? Is it because you hate America and secretly want to destroy it?
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Cops don't use tazers enough. If a cop has reason enough to pull you aside, they have reason enough to taze your ass. Get over it. You should only be worried IF YOUR A CRIMINAL AND HATE CHILDREN. Are you a criminal? Do you hate children? Then support tazers. It's the American way.
I really lose my cool when I see that video, reading my own words, wow...
We should give teachers tazers.

STUDENT: "Dude, I totally disagree with you giving me a 60 on this test."

TEACHER: "Don't call me Dude" *TAZEE*

STUDENT: "ZOMG mmman?! Why did you taze me?! Don't taze me bro?!"

TEACHER :"Don't call me "bro"" *TaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeE*



And then the little brat passes out. Taken to the emergency room.. blah blah blah...

The point is,

Grades will shoot right up once teachers can truly enforce the law of the classroom. That's the real problem with our education system, we're not tough enough. I don't know how you can possibly disagree with this common sense measure.
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If it was, "where's such-and-such a place", then there's no excuse for it. The old, "Got a buck? Buy a fucking street map," is good enough, no need for violence or threats of violence, rudeness and sarcasm are sufficient.