Protesters Go Full Mad Max in Downtown LA

SSDD. I notice they're not rioting like this in states with strong gun ownership laws...

For instance, here in Arizona, if Kyle Rittenhouse did what he did in Kenosha and that whole scenario played out exactly as it did, the state would have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Rittenhouse didn't act in self-defense. He would not have to claim or say anything about his actions. Here it is incumbent on the state to prove Rittenhouse acted maliciously or criminally. That's a far higher and harder standard to meet than the prosecutor faces in Wisconsin where you have to show the state beyond reasonable doubt that you did act in self-defense-- the reverse of Arizona. That is, in Wisconsin, and many other states when you act in self-defense you are guilty until proven innocent.
SSDD. I notice they're not rioting like this in states with strong gun ownership laws...

Yes, they are.




Yes, they are.





No, they're not. The Phoenix metro area has had several protests. The second they got violent was the second they got shut down and people started getting arrested. Even Tucson, the "Berkeley" of Arizona has squashed protests at the first sign of trouble. Also, none of them have been big. A few hundred people show up at most and any rowdiness is arrested in a nanosecond.
For example when this shit first started, a "protest" was held in downtown Scottsdale. It devolved quickly into looting and rioting and looters broke into the Galleria mall only to find the police showing up ASAP and gassing and arresting everyone in sight. 24 arrests quickly followed and the looters scattered. First and last time that was tried here.
The Flagstaff "protest" was an utter joke. It was less than 100 people making some noise. When no one paid attention them they went home.

That's why the vast majority of these aren't making the news. They are underwhelming in size and nature and really just pathetic. It's only where the Left has a strong presence and the government is Progressive and won't make a stand and won't let people defend themselves that they're gaining any traction. That is, for all intents, rats shitting in their own nests.
Admit it, APL, you would've gotten out of your car and kicked your own ass while they joined in.

I wouldn't be dumb enough to try to plow through a crowd with my car. Unless I feel like I was in danger.

They are mostly peaceful protests till of few Right wingers show up, then they are White Supremacist stoked violence.

Pretty much every time.
If you say so. There's a near media blackout on all but the worst riots, and the leftist journalist spin on the ones they're forced to report is sickening. They've even claimed that it's "right-wing militias" causing the violence.

Scottsdale police said "millions of dollars in damages and theft" occurred in a late-night spasm of violence and looting at Scottsdale Fashion Square and surrounding businesses.

The department said 12 people were arrested and booked into jail. No officers were injured.

The Phoenix Police Department arrested 114 people on suspicion of rioting and unlawful assembly during Saturday night's protests, according to authorities.
Five also were charged with aggravated assault on a police officer, according to an email from Phoenix police Commander Steven Martos.

Police also detained seven juveniles for curfew violations and charges of rioting and unlawful assembly, Martos said.

The protests were relatively short-lived as the size remained small and the police arrested people each night they were held the second the mob turned ugly. That took the wind out of the protester's sails.
"Millions of dollars in damages and theft" doesn't sound like a nothingburger. It sounds like a riot.
"Millions of dollars in damages and theft" doesn't sound like a nothingburger. It sounds like a riot.

Not even counting the theft the Minneapolis riots caused ten million in damages, and they may well do it again, maybe even bigger.

Plus they are killing the cities, which takes decades to fix.
Not even counting the theft the Minneapolis cause ten million in damages, and they may well do it again, maybe even bigger.

Plus they are killing the cities, which takes decades to fix.

Sadly, I think DEMOCRAT-dominated shithole cities need to be abandoned by everyone with the ability to escape. They are losing their tax base, and their ability to pay the remaining residents for their votes will evaporate.
Sadly, I think DEMOCRAT-dominated shithole cities need to be abandoned by everyone with the ability to escape. They are losing their tax base, and their ability to pay the remaining residents for their votes will evaporate.

All of America is going down.....their plan is to burn America down.....and they seem fully capable of carrying this out in the Land of the Cowards.

They believe that UTOPIA will spring from the ashes, like magic.

We are so fucked.
Looks more like a zombie movie lol

So now you are a Zombie expert?

Now we know that zombies exist?

[Hmm, what do these feed on?]

You think Zombies are supposed to be like the Zombies in the movies?

What?like some world where a decease is in the air kind of world? Get real!