Prove me wrong.


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Lately, I've been running into some flat-earthers. It's amazing that there are still some left. All the evidence that exists tells us the earth is a globe. Well, I'm here to put the final nail into the coffin of this ridiculous idea.

It's easy. Next time someone tells you the earth is flat, ask them to show you where the edge is at. If the earth is really flat, you should be able to travel in any direction and run right off the edge. No one has ever done this. So the earth is a globe. At least in the real world, it is.
I don't know where to go about finding those nuts. Even the worst here, I believe think the Earth is round.
There were probably almost no flat earthers before 2000 sadly. With the introduction of internet a few people got together and developed it into a conspiracy theory - the world really is flat but the Globalist Elite Jewlluminati are suppressing the knowledge for some reason. Pretty standard conspiracy fair.

It's weird that flat earthism has rearisen but geocentrism has not. I mean geocentrists were quite a bit further to the truth than this garbage. Geocentrism is like 15th century ideology, flat eartherism has been disproven since shortly after we were cavemen.
I think Grugore is moving closer to Reality, it's either the Medication that is working or the Therapy that is working. Maybe it's BOTH?
Lately, I've been running into some flat-earthers. It's amazing that there are still some left. All the evidence that exists tells us the earth is a globe. Well, I'm here to put the final nail into the coffin of this ridiculous idea.

It's easy. Next time someone tells you the earth is flat, ask them to show you where the edge is at. If the earth is really flat, you should be able to travel in any direction and run right off the edge. No one has ever done this. So the earth is a globe. At least in the real world, it is.

You are absolutely insane.
There were probably almost no flat earthers before 2000 sadly. With the introduction of internet a few people got together and developed it into a conspiracy theory - the world really is flat but the Globalist Elite Jewlluminati are suppressing the knowledge for some reason. Pretty standard conspiracy fair.

It's weird that flat earthism has rearisen but geocentrism has not. I mean geocentrists were quite a bit further to the truth than this garbage. Geocentrism is like 15th century ideology, flat eartherism has been disproven since shortly after we were cavemen.

So why when he is obviously trolling is that anything different to your constant need to troll?