PSA for JPP right-wingers and Trumptards....


Sailor, Truth Detector, USF911, Legion, Dark Soul, Havana Moon, Earl, Ralph, Tinfoil, country boy, CFM, etc, etc, etc....

This video is for you guys because I'm concerned about your health and well being, so please watch it all the way through and start heeding its advice!!!!

oh come on nomad you can do better insults than that. I rate this 2/5. keep trying.

Insults? Why do you think I was attempting to insult anyone????

I was just trying to pass along some vital and pertinent health information to a group of folks who I know could really benefit from it.

I'm truly sorry if anyone feels insulted by it. :(
Sailor, Truth Detector, USF911, Legion, Dark Soul, Havana Moon, Earl, Ralph, Tinfoil, country boy, CFM, etc, etc, etc....

This video is for you guys because I'm concerned about your health and well being, so please watch it all the way through and start heeding its advice!!!!

I R O N Y!!! Your complete and utter lack of self awareness and IQ is stunning.