PSA: How to stop using Google

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head

Scientists say Google can shift elections based on what it shows people. Avoiding Google is easy to do.

Google controls what the vast majority of the world finds on the internet.

Being moved to the top of Google's results is not only immensely lucrative, it is also a powerful political tool.

Since 2016, Google’s algorithm has been increasingly manipulated to selectively rank specific information.

An investigation reported by the Wall Street Journal found that “The internet giant uses blacklists, algorithm tweaks and an army of contractors to shape what you see.”

Google's programmers routinely make deliberate algorithmic changes to search results that disproportionately favor mega-businesses over smaller ones, and on behalf of major advertisers.

The many-tentacled monopsony also uses manipulation to boost the ranking of websites who pay for the privilege, such as Amazon and Facebook.

Well, that's capitalism.

In addition to steering consumers to their advertisers to make money, Google employees also create and maintain blacklists to proactively and selectively demote targeted sites or remove them from search results.

They also employ a technique known as 'shadow-banning" to prevent specific URLs from appearing in search results even when the entire unique address is entered.

None of this is illegal, of course, so spare me your comments on that score.

In 2019, the US Senate heard testimony from a scientist (SCIENCE!) that makes chilling reading for those with the intellectual rigor to examine it and the ability to comprehend its import. Testimony.pdf

If you object to Google tampering with your thinking, quit using their search engine and start using something else.

If you don't, quit reading now, and don't bother to comment.

So, how can you kick Google (who'll track you and sell your browsing history to anyone, BTW)?

First, a couple of things: Google is owned by Alphabet, who control a lot of things besides search (like YouTube and Chrome), and uses their power in many anti-competitive ways.

So, for example, if you have an Android phone, you should know that Google owns Android.

The only other major option you have is an iPhone. Apple, which iPhone, will help the government spy on you without a warrant, just like Google does.

But there is an easy solution to Google controlling what you are allowed see on the Internet:

Use Brave as your default browser on all your devices. This will also switch you to DuckDuckGo (which uses Microsoft's Bing search function, but doesn't rat you out to Bill Gates).

Brave was started by Brendan Eich, who was kicked out of his own tech company by wokesters. Brave offers more user privacy than the browsers run by Google, Apple, and Microsoft.

Scientists say Google can shift elections based on what it shows people. Avoiding Google is easy to do.

Google controls what the vast majority of the world finds on the internet.

Being moved to the top of Google's results is not only immensely lucrative, it is also a powerful political tool.

Since 2016, Google’s algorithm has been increasingly manipulated to selectively rank specific information.

An investigation reported by the Wall Street Journal found that “The internet giant uses blacklists, algorithm tweaks and an army of contractors to shape what you see.”

Google's programmers routinely make deliberate algorithmic changes to search results that disproportionately favor mega-businesses over smaller ones, and on behalf of major advertisers.

The many-tentacled monopsony also uses manipulation to boost the ranking of websites who pay for the privilege, such as Amazon and Facebook.

Well, that's capitalism.

In addition to steering consumers to their advertisers to make money, Google employees also create and maintain blacklists to proactively and selectively demote targeted sites or remove them from search results.

They also employ a technique known as 'shadow-banning" to prevent specific URLs from appearing in search results even when the entire unique address is entered.

None of this is illegal, of course, so spare me your comments on that score.

In 2019, the US Senate heard testimony from a scientist (SCIENCE!) that makes chilling reading for those with the intellectual rigor to examine it and the ability to comprehend its import. Testimony.pdf

If you object to Google tampering with your thinking, quit using their search engine and start using something else.

If you don't, quit reading now, and don't bother to comment.

So, how can you kick Google (who'll track you and sell your browsing history to anyone, BTW)?

First, a couple of things: Google is owned by Alphabet, who control a lot of things besides search (like YouTube and Chrome), and uses their power in many anti-competitive ways.

So, for example, if you have an Android phone, you should know that Google owns Android.

The only other major option you have is an iPhone. Apple, which iPhone, will help the government spy on you without a warrant, just like Google does.

But there is an easy solution to Google controlling what you are allowed see on the Internet:

Use Brave as your default browser on all your devices. This will also switch you to DuckDuckGo (which uses Microsoft's Bing search function, but doesn't rat you out to Bill Gates).

Brave was started by Brendan Eich, who was kicked out of his own tech company by wokesters. Brave offers more user privacy than the browsers run by Google, Apple, and Microsoft.


Scientists say Google can shift elections based on what it shows people. Avoiding Google is easy to do.

Google controls what the vast majority of the world finds on the internet.

Being moved to the top of Google's results is not only immensely lucrative, it is also a powerful political tool.

Since 2016, Google’s algorithm has been increasingly manipulated to selectively rank specific information.

An investigation reported by the Wall Street Journal found that “The internet giant uses blacklists, algorithm tweaks and an army of contractors to shape what you see.”

Google's programmers routinely make deliberate algorithmic changes to search results that disproportionately favor mega-businesses over smaller ones, and on behalf of major advertisers.

The many-tentacled monopsony also uses manipulation to boost the ranking of websites who pay for the privilege, such as Amazon and Facebook.

Well, that's capitalism.

In addition to steering consumers to their advertisers to make money, Google employees also create and maintain blacklists to proactively and selectively demote targeted sites or remove them from search results.

They also employ a technique known as 'shadow-banning" to prevent specific URLs from appearing in search results even when the entire unique address is entered.

None of this is illegal, of course, so spare me your comments on that score.

In 2019, the US Senate heard testimony from a scientist (SCIENCE!) that makes chilling reading for those with the intellectual rigor to examine it and the ability to comprehend its import. Testimony.pdf

If you object to Google tampering with your thinking, quit using their search engine and start using something else.

If you don't, quit reading now, and don't bother to comment.

So, how can you kick Google (who'll track you and sell your browsing history to anyone, BTW)?

First, a couple of things: Google is owned by Alphabet, who control a lot of things besides search (like YouTube and Chrome), and uses their power in many anti-competitive ways.

So, for example, if you have an Android phone, you should know that Google owns Android.

The only other major option you have is an iPhone. Apple, which iPhone, will help the government spy on you without a warrant, just like Google does.

But there is an easy solution to Google controlling what you are allowed see on the Internet:

Use Brave as your default browser on all your devices. This will also switch you to DuckDuckGo (which uses Microsoft's Bing search function, but doesn't rat you out to Bill Gates).

Brave was started by Brendan Eich, who was kicked out of his own tech company by wokesters. Brave offers more user privacy than the browsers run by Google, Apple, and Microsoft.

most trump voters hate the truth anyway, why would they use google? they would rather bend over and have trump and hannity and bowtie and nazi ingraham and other fox liars fill them up with lies and bullshit. so go fuck yourself.
most trump voters hate the truth anyway, why would they use google? they would rather bend over and have trump and hannity and bowtie and nazi ingraham and other fox liars fill them up with lies and bullshit. so go fuck yourself.

I never seen a group so into believing obvious lies,as Trump supporters!
I can't imagine any internet application having any effect whatsoever on my political choices.
My ideology was formed long before the internet existed, and I vote ideology and policy positions, not personalities.
If you object to Google tampering with your thinking, quit using their search engine and start using something else.

If you don't, quit reading now, and don't bother to comment.

Most people don't even know the difference between the Internet and the WWW. Most probably couldn't even use the Internet without a search engine.