APP - "Psychology's answer to trolling and online abuse"


New member

A good analysis of the troll problem; no great answers, unfortunately, since most of them need the trolls to want to change.

This is probably the only long-term solution, and don't know that our society will do it
Looking deeper, perhaps we should also be teaching children the importance of maintaining a tolerant moral compass even when their identity is masked and normal social cues are missing. Sooner or later, society must accept that many of today's children will grow up to have online identities that are every bit as real as their offline selves. Education at a young age on how to build an online identity without surrendering the morals we value offline could help eliminate the trolls and cyberbullies of the future.

But maybe some people on this forum will start looking at some of the other suggestions -
patients begin by identifying triggers that provoke reactions of anger or aggression. They then practise self-statements to counteract their usual responses, such as "This isn't important enough to get angry about" or "I shouldn't take this personally"

One of the hallmarks of an online abuser is a lack of empathy – a trait that is also shared by sexual and violent offenders. Strategies to enhance empathy in these more serious offender groups include things like taking the perspective of the victim, writing letters of apology, reading victim impact statements, viewing footage of victims talking about the offence, and group therapy with role-play.
Kinda funny as I have been called a troll on this board many times. Am I a troll? For some a troll simply states a position they find uncomfortable. So are we all now to sing the same song? Consider any change in thinking is often met with derision, then mild criticism, then acceptance by some, then it becomes normal thinking for most. We'll always have those who disagree with just about anything. Trolls are presumed to be less serious than non trolls. Is that really true. Do thoughts, aka posts and threads, originate out of nowhere or do they express some interpretation of whatever by whomever? I think a more interesting concept is modern BS, the lack of connection of so many statements to reality. But that too is a tough one.

"I do not myself believe that many people do things because they think they are the right thing to do.... I do not think that knowledge of what is morally right is motivational in any serious sense for anyone except a handful of saints." Richard Posner

"If by relativism one means a cast of mind that renders you unable to prefer your own convictions to those of your adversary, then relativism could hardly end because it never began. Our convictions are by definition preferred; that's what makes them our convictions. Relativizing them is neither an option nor a danger. ¶ But if by relativism one means the practice of putting yourself in your adversary's shoes, not in order to wear them as your own but in order to have some understanding (far short of approval) of why someone else might want to wear them, then relativism will not and should not end, because it is simply another name for serious thought." Stanley Fish
Midcan, do you hurl abusive insults in your posts? do you go off topic? Do you bring up random stuff or try to move the goal post? do you flame people?

Disagreement is one thing. Nastiness is another.
Midcan, do you hurl abusive insults in your posts? do you go off topic? Do you bring up random stuff or try to move the goal post? do you flame people?

Disagreement is one thing. Nastiness is another.

No. Sometimes, but OT isn't completely unrelated. Same answer - not sure what moving goal posts means? I never flame imo. But all of this is off topic. Can psychological suggestions raise a finer group of posters. Of course not, people are people, the very idea reminds me of a scifi story of total mind control.

"I say it to you now, knowing full well that you will agree with me (that is, understand) only if you already agree with me." Stanley Fish
No. Sometimes, but OT isn't completely unrelated. Same answer - not sure what moving goal posts means? I never flame imo. But all of this is off topic. Can psychological suggestions raise a finer group of posters. Of course not, people are people, the very idea reminds me of a scifi story of total mind control.

"I say it to you now, knowing full well that you will agree with me (that is, understand) only if you already agree with me." Stanley Fish

If you do any of it, you may not need psychological help. But please do some research out there -read some comment threads on various boards, esp those responding to women bloggers, and see what you think about people needing psychological help to stop their crap.
Troll, tolerance, society's responsibility.

I dont think internet trolling will ever go away, and is in fact practiced often by those who both know the difference between right and wrong and practice restraint IRL. This strikes me as wishful thinking, and idler's dream. ILA makes anotherr valid point in tgat many define trolls as a dissenter instead of an actual antagonistic force. Hmm. . .
If you do any of it, you may not need psychological help. But please do some research out there -read some comment threads on various boards, esp those responding to women bloggers, and see what you think about people needing psychological help to stop their crap.

The world is far from perfect my dear. With humans included, even more so.
The world is far from perfect my dear. With humans included, even more so.

True. But doesn't mean people can't work on themselves to improve how they interact with total strangers on the internet.

And of course, they can post more cute cat videos! that makes the world better!
We are.
There is now a clear division; liberals are very much evolved compared with conservatives.

Oh are we now? Perhaps it's because I'm such a fan of history, but I see very little difference between people of 2000 years ago, and today.
Oh are we now? Perhaps it's because I'm such a fan of history, but I see very little difference between people of 2000 years ago, and today.

1. Yes. Science denotes clear and marked differences in the brains of the two subspecies.
2. You finally perfected your time machine?
3. One difference you completely failed to note is how much taller humans have become in 2000 years, so clearly there has been evolution in that very short span.

A good analysis of the troll problem; no great answers, unfortunately, since most of them need the trolls to want to change.

This is probably the only long-term solution, and don't know that our society will do it

But maybe some people on this forum will start looking at some of the other suggestions -

if you are able to practice these thoughts on our resident trolls more power to you, i am not so patient and just put them in my ignore file
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1. Yes. Science denotes clear and marked differences in the brains of the two subspecies.
2. You finally perfected your time machine?
3. One difference you completely failed to note is how much taller humans have become in 2000 years, so clearly there has been evolution in that very short span.

Taller and healthier. Better nutrition and medical science has changed our life parameters. Another thing I noticed....and no, I'm not a that girls are developing at a more rapid pace....hormones in milk and food supply maybe?
Taller and healthier. Better nutrition and medical science has changed our life parameters. Another thing I noticed....and no, I'm not a that girls are developing at a more rapid pace....hormones in milk and food supply maybe?

Nope, because the same thing happens in Europe without the GMO's and all that stuff. One 'theory' is hyper-evolution.
Nope, because the same thing happens in Europe without the GMO's and all that stuff. One 'theory' is hyper-evolution.

They don't use hormones in their dairy cattle? That's not GMO, that's just giving cows hormone shots to increase lactation.
Taller and healthier. Better nutrition and medical science has changed our life parameters. Another thing I noticed....and no, I'm not a that girls are developing at a more rapid pace....hormones in milk and food supply maybe?

bovine growth hormones are responsible for the quicker sexual development of humans in the u s and i expect a general increase in height

however, i was born in 1945 and was usually either the tallest or among the tallest (at 6'2") in my classes