Public / Private Partnerships, Fascism, and You

Truck Fump / h1b

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Public private partnerships, the much bandied about term as of late, especially regarding retarded green initiatives, are textbook fascism.

and they're just crony capitalism and corruption with a fresh coat of paint and new "messaging".

They have nothing to do with american individuals.

Public means government, not you.
Private means corporate, not you.

its fascism, the union of government and corporate power, and only reduces the power and possibilities of non corrupt regular individuals.

it has nothing to do with free markets as it's the government picking winners.

So in summary, public / private partnerships are fascist and ultimately tyrranical.

Public private partnerships, the much bandied about term as of late, especially regarding retarded green initiatives, are textbook fascism.

and they're just crony capitalism and corruption with a fresh coat of paint and new "messaging".

They have nothing to do with american individuals.

Public means government, not you.
Private means corporate, not you.

its fascism, the union of government and corporate power, and only reduces the power and possibilities of non corrupt regular individuals.

it has nothing to do with free markets as it's the government picking winners.

So in summary, public / private partnerships are fascist and ultimately tyrranical.


"the union of government and corporate power, and only reduces the power and possibilities of non corrupt regular individuals. "

If you truly believe this, then maybe you ought the be looking at the pro-business party.
"the union of government and corporate power, and only reduces the power and possibilities of non corrupt regular individuals. "

If you truly believe this, then maybe you ought the be looking at the pro-business party.

businesses are half of the fascism formula.

government needs to be a check and regulator on corporate power.

we need government and corporations, but they need to be at odds.

when they join up, nobody is safe.
businesses are half of the fascism formula.

government needs to be a check and regulator on corporate power.

we need government and corporations, but they need to be at odds.

when they join up, nobody is safe.

joining simply facilitates the looting of govt coffers by the 1%ers.
joining simply facilitates the looting of govt coffers by the 1%ers.

yes, by business and government perpetrators.

the 1% does not exist without governmental collusion, despite their "by the bootstraps" fables they tell of their own success.

even the chamber of commerce has abandoned small businesses in most towns.
the only divide that matters?

The rich and powerful versus the poor and powerless.

the rest of identity politics is to obscure this basic truth.

poor blacks and whites have more in common with each other than with the bougie fellows of their self same race.
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