Pumping another 200 billion in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac


Villified User
the govt is just throwing bad money after bad ?

the market is kinda looking like the one day boom is over.
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They will do anything to keep this propped up until after the election. The country is headed for a total crash, but if they can avert it until after the election, one of two things will happen. McCain will be in the white house, and able to continue the bush policies for four more years. They know they won't get 8, they'll take the four. Or, a Dem will be in the white house and Republican whores will immediately get busy writing the "history" of how the country's collapse is the democrat's fault, and they will take back the white house in 2012 on that.

The cost to the taxpayer? Frankly, that's not a number which interests them very much, thanks for asking.
Darla, I think we are getting beyond it being a cost to the taxpayer issue, but are approaching it becoming an issue of the survival of the USA.
Darla, I think we are getting beyond it being a cost to the taxpayer issue, but are approaching it becoming an issue of the survival of the USA.

I know. I wonder if they don’t see it, or if they see it and don’t care? Sometimes I can’t believe what I’m watching.
They will keep saying all is well as they make money for themselves and their friends. The rest of us will be sent to the poor house through the hyperinflation they will create.
They will do anything to keep this propped up until after the election. The country is headed for a total crash, but if they can avert it until after the election, one of two things will happen. McCain will be in the white house, and able to continue the bush policies for four more years. They know they won't get 8, they'll take the four. Or, a Dem will be in the white house and Republican whores will immediately get busy writing the "history" of how the country's collapse is the democrat's fault, and they will take back the white house in 2012 on that.

The cost to the taxpayer? Frankly, that's not a number which interests them very much, thanks for asking.

Democrats have actually been the one's calling for allowing more leeway for Freddie and Fannie over the past couple of months. Somehow I don't think their intention was to do so in support of the Bush Administration and propping up the economy for just a couple of months.
whats funny is you tools know whats going to happen and are too stupid to profit from your crystall ball. That and how someone supposedly degrees can sound like a public high school sophomore.
Democrats have actually been the one's calling for allowing more leeway for Freddie and Fannie over the past couple of months. Somehow I don't think their intention was to do so in support of the Bush Administration and propping up the economy for just a couple of months.

I personally do not care who is behind it, I think it is stupit in the long run.
Pumping more money into freddie mac and fannie mae while loosening the restrictions on them is just doing more of what got us into this mess.
whats funny is you tools know whats going to happen and are too stupid to profit from your crystall ball. That and how someone supposedly degrees can sound like a public high school sophomore.

Still talking about yourself ?
Yeah we know it is all about you.
whats funny is you tools know whats going to happen and are too stupid to profit from your crystall ball. That and how someone supposedly degrees can sound like a public high school sophomore.

No seriously, does anyone else see this?

Is topper trying to kill us with irony?
asshat says
"It is funny, you doing the online equivalent of standing around with shit on your face."

And Dhula identifies with it cause it's anti topspin. Typical democrat
Dhula you have a chance to learn high finance, but your lost in your 1980's proof reading.
Darla, I think we are getting beyond it being a cost to the taxpayer issue, but are approaching it becoming an issue of the survival of the USA.
There were lots of bank failures in the years before the Fed. America has always survived. This is just political pandering bullshit that will only make it worse.
There were lots of bank failures in the years before the Fed. America has always survived. This is just political pandering bullshit that will only make it worse.

The global economy changes things a lot since the great depression. We will survive, yes, but we may just be a shadow of what we were.
Survival can be miserable.
Democrats have actually been the one's calling for allowing more leeway for Freddie and Fannie over the past couple of months. Somehow I don't think their intention was to do so in support of the Bush Administration and propping up the economy for just a couple of months.

The 3% down, no closing cost loans from FHA are STILL available. WTF?

My dumbass nephew just got one of these on a $240,000 property. The monthly PITI is ~$1800/month. That is more than HALF of his GROSS. I told him to not do the deal, and that I figure he won't last 5 years before he's into a foreclosure / bankruptcy. His cash reserves? $3000.