Pundits: Mueller is wrapping up investigation, about to drop the hammer

Mueller asks court to schedule Flynn sentencing

Source: The Hill

BY MORGAN CHALFANT - 09/17/18 04:50 PM EDT

Special counsel Robert Mueller is asking a federal judge in Washington, D.C., to move forward with the sentencing of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, nearly 10 months after he pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents about his Russia contacts.

The development Monday comes after repeated delays in Flynn's sentencing.

“The matter is now ready to be scheduled for sentencing,” Mueller’s prosecutors wrote in a joint filing with Flynn’s defense attorneys on Monday. They requested that Judge Emmet D. Sullivan set a date for sentencing, suggesting Nov. 28 or seven business days after that.

Mueller’s team had previously sought to delay Flynn’s sentencing four times, signaling that his cooperation was still needed in the ongoing investigation into Russian interference.

....Bob has now crossed all the tee's and dotted all the i's.............Trump must be SHITTING his pants lol

I don't think so, I'd estimate at least another year, he will purposely conclude well out from the 2020 election

Flynn probably has nothing more to offer, especially now that he has Manaford, if anything, I'd say finishing with Flynn frees up personnel to work on other things, one of the reasons he probably didn't proceed with a second Manaford trial

Irony is even when Mueller concludes that won't be the end of it, especially if the Democrats take the House in November

maybe, who really knows

I've been hearing more and more "ex-prosecutors" and various other pundits saying it's about over - Mueller is moving at break neck speed lately - so it might just be