Pursuing Truth Without Fear or Favor


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Pursuing Truth, With You Our Readers, Without Fear or Favor

Epoch Times Editorial Board
November 10, 2020

Our nation faces a difficult time.

On Nov. 3, Americans across the country voted for their next leader. We have since learned, however, that on Nov. 3 and in the ensuing days, the integrity of the election in certain locales might have been compromised as allegations of irregularities have emerged.

While these allegations have yet to be proven in court, they are unprecedented in scale and seriousness.

The Epoch Times believes it is our journalistic as well as civic duty to report on credible allegations of irregularities and see whether there is truth to them.

That is why you have been able to read in The Epoch Times about sworn affidavits—statements made under penalty of perjury—by poll watchers alleging wrongdoing, and about the status of at least eight currently pending lawsuits and two pending recounts.

The events over the past week have shaken many Americans’ confidence in our republic to the core. And we believe that by honestly reporting on these challenges, we are not only helping to protect the integrity of the voting process, but also helping to restore trust in the system.

This trust, we believe, has been badly damaged by the media at large, which are ignoring credible allegations and ongoing litigation that might impact the election, and instead misleading their audiences by pretending the election results have been finalized.

Over the past 20 years, we have always been dedicated to seeking and reporting the truth, to helping justice prevail, and to uplift people’s consciences.

Our standards have not changed in the face of pressure. We are an independent news organization free from the influence of any government, corporation, or political party. Instead, we are supported by readers like you, and we want to thank you for your continued trust and support.

For our independent reporting, we have faced unprecedented attacks. These attacks used to come mainly from the Chinese Communist Party, which, since the day our media was founded in America by Chinese Americans, has sought to silence us. For example, shortly after we started, our staff members in China were all arrested and detained. In America, our advertisers have been threatened by Chinese consular officials and our newspaper boxes have been vandalized. In Hong Kong, one of our printing presses was set on fire.

Recently, these attacks have come from our peers, other American media organizations that don’t agree with our reporting.

We are aware that we may be attacked again for our independent reporting. But for the sake of truth and integrity, we will remain true to our journalistic responsibility.

As our nation navigates through this difficult period, we want to let our readers know you are not alone. There are millions of other freedom-loving Americans who love our nation and its principles and who, like you, are looking for truth.

We support each other; you are not alone.
Support an independent outlet at a time when it's hard to find factual news.
