Putin orders leopards to go forth and multiply....


Well-known member
Besides supplying Russian prostitutes to Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin is also known for conservation efforts for the Siberian Tiger and Amur Leopard in Russia's far east.
And it is one of the few things I will give the Russian dictator ginormous props for.

Wild Russian Leopards Obey Putin's Command to Go Forth and Multiply

Putin, who has cultivated an image of helping native Russian animals, tasked officials in the Far East in 2010 with setting up the Leopard Land national park, dedicated to promoting the wild population of the critically endangered Amur leopard, native to areas in both Russia and China around the Amur River

Critically endangered Amur Leopard Population Triples--to 103....

Thanks to protective efforts in Russia, these critically endangered big cats have renewed hope of avoiding extinction

Just a few years ago, the Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) appeared to be on the fast track to extinction. Surveys conducted in 2000 revealed that only about 30 of these critically endangered big cats remained in the forests of southwestern Russia, with just two more across the border in China. With poaching and habitat loss still so rampant at the time, saving the species appeared to be a “mission impossible,” says ecologist Yury Darman, senior advisor to WWF-Russia’s Amur branch.

Darman credited hard work by “enthusiastic NGOs, scientists and really responsible state authorities” for achieving the tripling of the wild Amur leopard population in under 20 years.


This forum could probably benefit from some footage of Amur leopard cubs.
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Amazing, beautiful animals.

For real, I saw one at the zoo today!

I am rooting for these kitty's to make it back from the brink of extinction. One of the only good things about living in a dictatorship, is Putin can basically make it a capital offense for killing an Amur leopard....or preferably, sending poachers of the Amur leopard to the Gulag!!
For real, I saw one at the zoo today!

I am rooting for these kitty's to make it back from the brink of extinction. One of the only good things about living in a dictatorship, is Putin can basically make it a capital offense for killing an Amur leopard....or preferably, sending poachers of the Amur leopard to the Gulag!!

If he's serious about it and it isn't just a PR stunt.

Lot of animals out there that need protecting from the worst animal of them all...
No question that Putin takes into account the optics and politics of tiger and leopard conservation. And really, the lions share of the credit goes to Russian field biologists and researchers, NGOs, tireless efforts of conservation organizations. But, as terrible as a human being as he is, I get the impression Putin really has an affinity for conserving Russia's endangered animals. And my theory, is he has a particular affinity for Siberian tiger and Amur leopard conservation because these cats are kindred spirits-of-sorts to him....aka, dangerous predators!

How the Siberian tiger was brought back from the brink of extinction

The forests of Russia’s Far East evoke a strange feeling, one that most Europeans have not been forced to consider for centuries. It is the sensation of being watched; of unseen menace lurking between the trees. Ultimately, it is the realisation that you are among predators, and being contemplated as either a rival or prey.

They call this boreal wilderness the taiga in Russian, forests sprawling hundreds of miles from the North Korean border up towards the Arctic. They are home to a vast collection of flora and fauna and, above all, predators. An estimated 95 per cent of the world’s population of Amur (or Siberian) tigers live here.

Up to 10ft long, larger, heavier and stronger than their Asian cousins, they are the undisputed rulers of the forest; their orange, black and white pelts enable them to move like ghosts between the trees.

In recent years the tiger protectors have found themselves a powerful ally: the Russian president Vladimir Putin, who has come to regard the Amur tiger as a potent symbol of national pride. The Russian government has agreed to restrict logging in Amur tiger habitat and a presidential order in 2011 banned logging of Korean pine (although, over the past five years enough illegal wood from other species was logged to fill 400 miles of railways carriages).

At the same time, it has has also increased penalties for poaching and possession of tiger parts. Putin nowadays rarely wastes a photo opportunity with a tiger, and a few years ago state media reported he had personally immobilised one with a tranquilliser dart as it charged towards a nearby camera crew – although no footage of the deed exists.

continued https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/12/02/siberian-tiger-brought-back-brink-extinction/
Besides supplying Russian prostitutes to Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin is also known for conservation efforts for the Siberian Tiger and Amur Leopard in Russia's far east.
And it is one of the few things I will give the Russian dictator ginormous props for.

Just hope he doesn't let the Trump spawn come over there.
Just hope he doesn't let the Trump spawn come over there.

As terrible as Putin is, I was thinking that as well --- That while the Russian dictator seems to have a genuine interest in conserving rare animals, the Trump family seems to prefer to waste them in a hailstorm of lead bullets!
As terrible as Putin is, I was thinking that as well --- That while the Russian dictator seems to have a genuine interest in conserving rare animals, the Trump family seems to prefer to waste them in a hailstorm of lead bullets!

They're useful idiots though so no doubt Vlad will continue to pull their puppet strings and make them dance.

As for the OP, it's always good to read about successful conservation efforts.