Путин - уголовный преступник

Alik Bahshi

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Путин - уголовный преступник

Alik Bakhshi

Measure of lies


****Lie is the embodiment of evil
************************************V. Hugo
*****Certainly a lie or she is or she is not. And yet, it happens that a person sovret, but with a hint of restraint, for example, will turn red or take away his eyes. There are also cases when they tell a lie to pity someone, or on the contrary to encourage, to encourage actions that a person, such as a patient, can help himself. That is, a lie has many nuances, which gives the right to evaluate it qualitatively. So, I mean, every lie can be quantified in units. As a standard of falsehood, I propose a unit of 1 Putin.
***********1 Putin - 100% lie,
***********0.5 Putin - semi-false, respectively
***********0 Putin - the truth

***Let me explain why a measure of lies in Putin. Known units of measurement are Newton, Ampere, Pascal, and others, corresponding to the names of people who have attained certain success each in their area of ​​interest. So, Russian President Putin received world fame as the biggest liar in the field of politics, if we recall the green men in the Crimea and the Russian soldiers, vacationers using tanks as a vehicle for tourist trips in the Luhansk region. Putin is also known as a financial fraudster, here he surpassed even Bernard Madoff himself in the number of money stolen from the Russian people. But what is most surprising is that if the American people reacted to Madoff with disdain, the Russian is modestly silent on this subject, I dare to suggest that even admires the lies of their president. The last thing that a Western person can never understand is understandable, because the Russian people have one thing in common - to bring items from work to the house. There is a popular definition of this phenomenon in the word - nesuny.
****Putin is not some kind of intellectual, he is from St. Petersburg, from a simple working family, so the people understand him and stand behind him. And he, too, works, as he says, "like a slave on galleys." Perhaps, in the world there is no other such president equal to the authority of Putin in the popular environment. And no “Panamanian documents”, which, as Putin said, are an attempt by the West “to distrust the Russian authorities,” will not be able to destroy the unity of the Russian people and President Putin. And this is the real truth! How can you not remember the words of Ludwig Bern:
**“Pythagoras, having discovered his famous theorem, sacrificed one hundred bulls to the gods.
***Since then, all the cattle tremble when a new truth is revealed. ”
**It seems that the West has only now realized the terrible truth for itself about the invincible unity of the Russian people and its president, he realized the truth, the measure of which is 0 Putin.


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