Putin’s Mein Kampf

This is a long historical essay by President Putin going back more than a thousand years, centuries before Moscow was ever heard of, to explain what he considers is the rightful relationship between Ukraine and Russia. In a word, Ukraine is Russian.

It might be worth discussing this in some detail if:
(a) anyone is interested
(b) they know enough history to be aware of the tricks he is pulling.

For example, the Holodomor or “Terror Famine” of 1932-33 – in which around 10% of Ukrainians starved to death while Moscow barred foreign aid – warrants one short paragraph. Apparently Ukraine's “ruling circles” (since c. 2000) decided to portray it as genocide. :rolleyes:

The essay concludes with this pledge:
“And what Ukraine will be – it is up to its citizens to decide.”

This was published in July 2021.

The Medieval and early modern era history looks pretty legitimate.

When he gets to the modern era he obviously sugar coats Soviet duplicity, and he goes out of his way to demonize Poland and Ukranian nationalists.

I get that he feels Russia was cheated out of a lot of land by the terms of the 1992 dissolution of the union.

I get that, like Prussia was the catalyst for German unification in the 19th century, he sees Moscow as the unifying force for a greater Orthodox Holy Rus.

He is entitled to that opinion.

But he is not entitled to use military force and violence to enforce his opinion.