QAnon Follower Writes Open Letter to Donald Trump Over Failed Predictions:

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Tired of It

A disgruntled QAnon follower has written an open letter to Donald Trump after numerous predictions made by the conspiracy movement failed to come true.

Telegram user Donny Warren shared the open letter to Trump with a QAnon Telegram group with thousands of followers on Sunday. In the letter, he spoke of his frustration over the lack of predictions made by the conspiracy movement that have come true.
Tired of It

A disgruntled QAnon follower has written an open letter to Donald Trump after numerous predictions made by the conspiracy movement failed to come true.

Telegram user Donny Warren shared the open letter to Trump with a QAnon Telegram group with thousands of followers on Sunday. In the letter, he spoke of his frustration over the lack of predictions made by the conspiracy movement that have come true.

More Fake News. Did you know the Democrat party is a conspiracy?
Unhappy believers are now being lured into far-right extremist groups

QAnon followers are also gaining influence and power within white Christian evangelical churches and other faith communities. This is integral to the worsening radicalization of white Christianity and the threat of a right-wing "holy war" against Democrats, liberals, progressives, Black and brown people and anyone else who believes in the separation of church and state, or who holds values and beliefs deemed "un-American" or "anti-Christian."

In this conversation Moskalenko discusses the dangers QAnon poses to American democracy and national security. She explains that QAnon is a community where overwhelmingly white and often socially alienated followers find fellowship and meaning as they are radicalized into extremism and other potentially dangerous antisocial behavior. In her view, QAnon functions as a space that nurtures and satisfies white fantasies of right-wing masculinity, femininity, violence and heroism about "protecting" children and reasserting "traditional values".
When you looked at the events of Jan. 6, what did you see? What jumped out at you?

I'm a psychologist, so I focused on the emotions that I observed in the faces, the screams and the actions of the Trump followers who were there that day at the Capitol.

It was just striking to me how angry and violent and ready to inflict serious damage a lot of those people were. On Jan. 6, I saw a huge crowd of people who look just like my neighbors but who were acting in a very threatening and menacing way. It was disturbing. I also, of course, saw many QAnon symbols and antisemitic symbols and other references to hate groups.