Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Tired of It
A disgruntled QAnon follower has written an open letter to Donald Trump after numerous predictions made by the conspiracy movement failed to come true.
Telegram user Donny Warren shared the open letter to Trump with a QAnon Telegram group with thousands of followers on Sunday. In the letter, he spoke of his frustration over the lack of predictions made by the conspiracy movement that have come true.
A disgruntled QAnon follower has written an open letter to Donald Trump after numerous predictions made by the conspiracy movement failed to come true.
Telegram user Donny Warren shared the open letter to Trump with a QAnon Telegram group with thousands of followers on Sunday. In the letter, he spoke of his frustration over the lack of predictions made by the conspiracy movement that have come true.