Quantum mechanics: how the future might influence the past


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In 2022, the physics Nobel prize was awarded for experimental work showing that the quantum world must break some of our fundamental intuitions about how the universe works.

Many look at those experiments and conclude that they challenge “locality” — the intuition that distant objects need a physical mediator to interact. And indeed, a mysterious connection between distant particles would be one way to explain these experimental results.

Others instead think the experiments challenge “realism” — the intuition that there’s an objective state of affairs underlying our experience. After all, the experiments are only difficult to explain if our measurements are thought to correspond to something real. Either way, many physicists agree about what’s been called “the death by experiment” of local realism.

In 2022, the physics Nobel prize was awarded for experimental work showing that the quantum world must break some of our fundamental intuitions about how the universe works.

Many look at those experiments and conclude that they challenge “locality” — the intuition that distant objects need a physical mediator to interact. And indeed, a mysterious connection between distant particles would be one way to explain these experimental results.

Others instead think the experiments challenge “realism” — the intuition that there’s an objective state of affairs underlying our experience. After all, the experiments are only difficult to explain if our measurements are thought to correspond to something real. Either way, many physicists agree about what’s been called “the death by experiment” of local realism.


Quantum anything is scientology, not scientifically. Everything is based upon metaphysical possibilities sustained in speculating life does exceed statistical averages.
Quantum entanglement has already been observed and proven

as possible using statistical averaged consensus rigged to establish constant reasonable doubt about evolving never exceeds the moment here. Relative time logistics used all the time suggests life cannot be self contained to one moment the universe works in perpetual balancing results of expanding details never the same again as a whole results occupying time now.

There was only one society in history that attempted to honor Natural World Order of genetic outcomes limited to adapting in the moment here and it ended in 1861. 4Score and 7 years after it declared Independence from Traditional Societal Evolution governing ancestries with hope, faith, charity allowing those controlling power, wealth, fame getting blamed for the downfall of any reality.

Those that advise leaderships on how to manage the future are always in the shadows of organized doubt and orchestrating chaos from local town halls, churches, school, arts and entertainment, economic opportunities where people obeying ideologies perform as siblings seeking to become the favorite child of all the population present.

That is known as psychological class warfare only able to continue through hope, faith, charity, opportunity to rinse through the ranks get privileges the fellowships sacrifice their biological time to see themselves beyond mutually evolving now. Now really look at how that has worked historically navigating space experiencing your body never duplicated events the same details twice since a fertilized cell. Evolving works specifically timing reproductions apart occupying space in plain sight, no exceptions in the food chain native to this atmosphere welded socially together by people wishing life were more than genetics sustaining eternal separation of their time adapting in space now.

Means, motives, methods, compounding DNA, mayhem, madness, misery sustained by rule of law inflicting codes of silencing anyone considered insubordinate, traitor to the "cause", speaking out against humanity's greater good scenarios. 10 gates of eternal hell.

every great great grandchild is the product of combined DNA transfers done by 16 great great grandparents adding a second generation of 8 great grandparents, multiplying a 3rd generation of 4 grandparents dividing into a 5th generation gap of arriving great great grandchild that did or don't become 1 of 2 parents, 1 of 4 grandparents, 1 of 8 great grandparents, 1 of 16 great great grandparents 4 generations after the birth of each great great grandchild added as son, daughter, and cousins, mon, dad, aunts, uncles, 2nd cousins, grandparents, great aunts, great uncles, 3rd cousins.

You catching on to the links may not be remembered after 7 or 8 generations covering a 2 century relative time scenario. Population never stays same form or shape of numbers present currently here. This is how my instinctive brain came from the nucleus of my fertilized cell carrying the chromosomes combined since inception of this species.

I describe the Natural World Order of any populating species that ever occupying time in this atmosphere. Inorganic matter has periodic elements organic ancestral results has DNA. Life exists trapped between eroding and decomposing results never duplicating past, currently evolving one at a time, forward now, in plain sight life being self evident when a person is honest about how and why they are equally timed apart now.

I cannot make people change their mind morally, legally, ethically, economically, so I use genetically here as ancestrally positioned as the 8 billion ignoring now is eternity created the history unfolding forward in current events. Organized communities never accepting life in real time causing their own social implosions shaming, blaming, flaming, naming people defined by caricature projections of who's who as ranked by social consensus today.

The intellectual human original sin still the final conflict since it started estimated 7,000 years ago.