APP - Quarantine at the Democrat Party Convention

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
Looks like this weeks democrat party convention, there is going to be much controversy. They have quarantined their Party Chair over the Wikileaks emails this week showing the coordination and biased nature of the Party.

The democrat party has a serious problem on its hands. Yes Trump is a flawed candidate, but Crooked Hillary is just as flawed. Couple that with the low turnout in the primaries and you can see why Tricky Terry McCaulliffe is trying to get felons to be able to vote prior to November.

I still believe that the democrat party can still cheat their way to victory in November. It is how they won in 2012. But they are really going to have to work for it this year. If these types of things keep leaking out, Bernie's supporters may just stay home and that would be bad for Crooked Hillary