Quarantine Nancy Pelosi


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Last week, two cases of tuberculosis were confirmed in Georgia’s Floyd County.

In 2014, a Georgia congressman at the time who also is a physician, Phil Gingrey, warned the CDC that minors from Central America were importing infectious diseases considered to be largely eradicated in the United States, including tuberculosis, swine flu and dengue fever.

On Tuesday, Customs and Border Protection reported a record number of families from Central America entered the United States in February.

During a surge of young illegal immigrants in 2016, the Centers for Disease Control warned staff that many would be infected with tuberculosis, but the public wasn’t given a head’s up, the Washington watchdog Judicial Watch found.

The Texas Department of State Health Services reported that as of Feb. 21, 178 detainees at Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities have been confirmed to have mumps.

TB case in Georgia amid illegal-alien surge
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 03/06/2019 @ 3:24 pm


Fly the Q=flag over both chambers of Congress until they are healthy. Note that nobody can go aboard as long as the flag is flying:

Q - my vessel is healthy and I request free practique


At the very least prevent disease by QUARANTINING NANCY PELOSI:

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.

At the very least prevent disease by QUARANTINING NANCY PELOSI:

Give me your parasites, your criminals,
Your sick yearning for free healthcare,
Send these, the worst, tempest-tost to me,
I open my front door to Typhoid Nancy’s welfare state!

It was Democrats like Typhoid Nancy who added “Give me your sick” to the rest of the garbage found in Lazarus’ sonnet. Naturally, Pelosi’s interpretation of “give me” means “give you” the sick. That is why I often suggested removing Emma Lazarus’ stain from Lady Liberty’s pedestal and hanging it right over Typhoid Nancy’s front door.


Will Typhoid Nancy take credit when they pour into this country?:

So much for all that free health care.

Now for what it looks like up close:

Socialist Venezuela is now an exploding supernova of spreading disease vectors, with its three million fleeing refugees bringing measles, malaria, diptheria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, AIDS, Zika, leprosy, dengue chikungunya virus and other diseases long thought to have been eradicated in the early 20th century, with them.

What an advertisement for socialism that is.

It's the effect of the collapse of the country's medical system, brought on by socialism's unsustainable economics, and Venezuela's Maduro dictatorship (unlike a lot of starving African countries) refusing to permit any aid to enter.

Two alarming news reports (which eerily don't intersect) have the exact same story:

First, the Washington Post, which cites an academic/NGO report just out:

Venezuela’s health system is in “utter collapse,” according to a report, including the exponential spread of vaccine-preventable diseases such as measles and diphtheria and “dramatic surges” in infectious diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.

The report, to be released Thursday by Human Rights Watch and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, is among the few that has sought to quantify Venezuela’s misery, as the country has ceased releasing health and nutrition data and retaliated against those who did.

Based on interviews with doctors and other health personnel in Venezuela, conducted by telephone and online; refugees in Colombia and Brazil, including health care professionals; and representatives of humanitarian and international organizations, the report concludes that the United Nations should take the lead providing aid.

Second, there's this organic report from Bloomberg Latin America columnist Mac Margolis, which features interviews with hospital personnel and public health officials, all seeing the same nightmare on the ground:

Half a century on, Venezuela is a hothouse for malaria again, but also communicable miseries from HIV/AIDS to Zika. Forgotten diseases such as diphtheria and measles rage. Leprosy, tuberculosis and typhoid fever are back, alongside emerging mosquito-borne viruses, such as dengue, Zika and chikungunya. New HIV infections jumped 24 percent from 2010 to 2016.

Now the worst humanitarian crisis in the Americas risks becoming a hemispheric emergency, as nearly 3 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants ferry their pathogens across the continent.

Here are some particulars:

But when such migrants travel, they also carry ills that Venezuela’s neighbors thought they’d beaten. After logging just one case of measles between 2008 and 2015, Brazil reported more than 10,000 infections last year. Most patients bore D8 genotype measles, the dominant strain circulating in Venezuela. The Venezuela epidemic has also been linked to outbreaks in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

The World Health Organization reckoned that a Venezuelan malaria outbreak was responsible for 84 percent of the increase in infections in the Americas in 2017. Venezuela alone kicked in 53 percent of all reported cases regionally in 2016 and 2017.

“The human exodus has become a disease exodus. Contagion is one of our most prolific exports,” Venezuelan infectious disease pathologist Alberto Paniz-Mondolfi, a member of the Venezuelan National Academy of Medicine, told me.

So as the West is forced to admit Venezuelan refugees (and unlike the Central Americans, these are real ones), each and every one of them is potentially a carrier, if not openly suffering from, of some of the most awful and once-thought-eradicated diseases from the 19th century. Next time a socialist speaks of 'progress' remember that this is what socialists deliver on their 'progress.'

It amounts to biological warfare on the West, given that people outside Venezuela's socialist zone of misery are going to die from these diseases which had long been eradicated from the capitalist West up until now.

Their defenders may argue that it's chaotic and unintentional (or even more likely, the result of sanctions on their oligarchs), but Venezuela's ruling socialists are the ones driving it and fully responsible, prioritizing their own stretch in power over the welfare of their own people in prohibiting aid, refusing even an African model of circumstances. Now they're creating new problems for the welfare of their neighbors who are getting the diseases, too.

It shows that in socialism, the ends always justifies the means. Venezuela's Maduro dictatorship has not only have collapsed their own medical system, allowing their people to go to hell, (something all socialist countries throughout the 20th century have had a comparable record on), they have also wiped out disease data, and threatened and punished anyone trying to find out the truth, as the Washington Post report notes at the end.

Noting that the deprivation long predates recently imposed U.S. sanctions, it said that “Venezuelan authorities under Maduro have concealed the official health information. They have harassed and retaliated against those who collect data or speak out about food and medicine shortages.”

The Washington Post reports that the United Nations should get involved, which is an idea. But good luck with that one, given the Maduroites' callous indifference to the lives of both its own people and those of its neighbors. They see any intervention as a threat to their own power and are unlikely to allow it.

This is what socialism is, up close.

Is this an argument for sending in the Marines? Well, it's arguable, given that the diseases are coming fast, furious and in great diverse quantities as Venezuelans run for their lives from socialism. As disasters go, it's entirely man-made and entirely preventable and fixable. Impoverished African countries take care of these matters all the time. Socialist Venezuela, by contrast, focuses on jailing the people just trying to find out about it instead.

If no pressure can be applied to the country's ruling socialists to do something about the matter, not even if it involves the United Nations, it signals a more forceful response is appropriate. There's such a thing known as a 'just war,' and in one, self-defense justifies it.

April 9, 2019
Socialist Venezuela now an exploding supernova of spreading infectious disease
By Monica Showalter

Don't liberals blame anti-vaxxers instead of caravans of illegal immigrants from Third World shitholes?
Don't liberals blame anti-vaxxers instead of caravans of illegal immigrants from Third World shitholes?

To Legion: Even worse. Forced vaccinations is a population control goal:

Software billionaire Bill Gates, who previously has advocated the reduction of the human population through the use of vaccines, and his wife Melinda marked the 100th year since the First International Eugenics Congress in London with a “family planning” summit with abortionists and the United Nations.

Bill Gates: World needs fewer people
Joins abortionists for 'family planning' conference on eugenics
Published: 08/19/2012 at 4:36 PM


Socialist Venezuela is now an exploding supernova of spreading disease vectors, with its three million fleeing refugees bringing measles, malaria, diptheria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, AIDS, Zika, leprosy, dengue chikungunya virus and other diseases long thought to have been eradicated in the early 20th century, with them.​

At the very least prevent disease by QUARANTINING NANCY PELOSI:

Bill & Melinda would better serve their country if they stop Nancy Pelosi’s disease-carrying illegal aliens from coming in instead of releasing mosquitoes that is sure to turn into another government disaster:

Genetically modified mosquitoes have been released for the first time in the United States as part of an experiment to combat insect-borne diseases such as Dengue fever, yellow fever, and the Zika virus.

UK-based biotechnology firm Oxitec, which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said it released the mosquitoes in six locations in Monroe County’s Florida Keys: two on Cudjoe Key, one on Ramrod Key, and three on Vaca Key.

Bill Gates-Funded Company Releases Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in US
By Isabel van Brugen
May 7, 2021 Updated: May 7, 2021

Bill & Melinda would better serve their country if they stop Nancy Pelosi’s disease-carrying illegal aliens from coming in instead of releasing mosquitoes that is sure to turn into another government disaster

They are divorcing. Melinda was apparently upset over Bill's friendship with Jeff Epstein.
They are divorcing. Melinda was apparently upset over Bill's friendship with Jeff Epstein.

One wonders if Poppies and Lesion were part of the Epstein stock in trade.
Some pervs will hit anything.

In any case, suggesting that Nancy's pals from Venezuela fueled the pandemic shows a small measure of originality on Poppies' part.
That's very high function for a trumpanzee mutant, however.
Good job, Poppies.
Lesion is proud of you.