APP - Question for domer76


Let's go Brandon!
In a discussion about removal of confederate statues, domer76 stated:
Your heritage is that of a loser... I don't know of any other country that has statues of their losers.

He then wrote:

See any statues of Hitler in Germsny [sic] these days? Himmler? Goring? Goebbels? The Nazi flag flying at public buildings?

So he was discussing Hitler, Himmler, Goring, and Goebbels in the context of the Confederacy I therefore I asked him the following question:

Who are you comparing General Robert E. Lee to?

He has refused to answer in that thread, and will undoubtedly claim debate victory later on, so I am formally asking him the same question here:

Domer76, which NAZI in your list are you comparing General Robert E. Lee to?