Question for Hoosier daddy.


Verified User
Well you said illegals cant vote . I bet you they do and if I could prove it you wouldn't post here again ever. You going to take up the bet or be a coward like dutch ?
Im guessing you will chicken out just like dutch did.
Well you going to back up what you claimed or just be a lying chicken shit liberal like ditch
Well you said illegals cant vote . I bet you they do and if I could prove it you wouldn't post here again ever. You going to take up the bet or be a coward like dutch ?
Im guessing you will chicken out just like dutch did.
Well you going to back up what you claimed or just be a lying chicken shit liberal like ditch

You might want to rethink your strategy here.
Well you said illegals cant vote . I bet you they do and if I could prove it you wouldn't post here again ever. You going to take up the bet or be a coward like dutch ?
Im guessing you will chicken out just like dutch did.
Well you going to back up what you claimed or just be a lying chicken shit liberal like ditch

You'll have to show how the illegals can vote. The only way they can do is to steal somebody's identity.
You'll have to show how the illegals can vote. The only way they can do is to steal somebody's identity.

the same offer is open to you on another thread where I said the white house claims the wind caused Biden to fall and trip , you said they didn't I say they did either put up or shut up mouth .
the same offer is open to you on another thread where I said the white house claims the wind caused Biden to fall and trip , you said they didn't I say they did either put up or shut up mouth .

The way you worded your offer in your OP guarantees your defeat. Rethink it.
Well you said illegals cant vote . I bet you they do and if I could prove it you wouldn't post here again ever. You going to take up the bet or be a coward like dutch ?
Im guessing you will chicken out just like dutch did.
Well you going to back up what you claimed or just be a lying chicken shit liberal like ditch

fuck you, hillbilly. they are not eligible to vote in any state or federal elections. since they are taxpayers at a local level, maybe there are some local laws that permit them to vote. eat shit, you stupid dirtbag.
fuck you, hillbilly. they are not eligible to vote in any state or federal elections. since they are taxpayers at a local level, maybe there are some local laws that permit them to vote. eat shit, you stupid dirtbag.

so you know Im right and your wrong again also illegals do vote in national, elections . that you for being a coward and proving your a moron . you did all the work I didnt have to do anything .

yes easy to call me a stupid dirt back when I let you make a fool out of you .

Making bets with me is probably one of the dumbest things a democrat can do , especially one who is as stupid as uninformed as you are with such a huge mouth, much like dutch you have a 100.00 mouth and a .12 cent ass .

your to stupid to understand that being eligible has nothing to do with actual voting , guess that's because your a moron . that's why you did not take the bet because you did a little research after running your fat mouth and found out Im right or you would of jumped at the bet to get rid of me here .

No need to say sorry bob you were right and I was wrong coming from a waste of skin like you it would be worthless any way .
lol your a real looser