Question for Liberals

Best Presidency?

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Reagan, made America a debtor nation!

Bush II, started an unnecessary war in Iraq, killing thousands of our troops and hundred of thousands of Iraqi and created ISIS too!

8 years of Trump, will never happen, not even four years!


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Actually, I dunno. The invasion of Iraq was such a colossally bad mistake that I'm not sure I can rate Bush II above Reagan, whatever my ideological beef with him.
Dangerous Donald is not as bad as either of them was. HE is not a social Conservative, he is not on a moral high horse.

I don't think he will get us into an Iraq style war.
Reagan was this nations greatest "Know Nothing" President ever. He changed forever how campaigns have changed from substance to process and the media sound bite.

Bush II? What can you say about a guy who has trouble walking and chewing gum at the same time? Did he know as little as Reagan? No. Was he a zillion times less competent than Reagan? Hell yes.

Trump - A big unknown. He could span both ends of the political spectrum with greatness or leave no bridge unburned or prove to be a complete mediocrity. One things for sure, he's neither an intellectual light weight like Reagan nor is he as incompetent as W.

Oh...and he'll certainly provide far, far more laughs than either Reagan or Post Turtle did.

On that basis I vote for Trump. happy you disingenuous little prick?
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