Question for Libs


Curious ....

In less then 2 years there will be a Presidential and a congressional election. Is it your hope that we elect a Democrat to the Presidency as well as a majority in both the House and Senate?

These past 6 years have proven to me that a Government divided by way of constructive criticism is much saner than a Government controlled by one party. Checks and Balances are what makes Lady Liberty tick.

On the Domestic Front... I believe Clinton performed as well as he did because he had to deal with a republican Congress 6 out of the 8 years he was President. Bush on the other hand was allowed to run free and was not held in check... thus many oligarchic policies were allowed to sneak through, Some were in direct violation of what we the people view as sacred elements of our constitutional right to privacy and land ownership.

Needless to say... if we were to fall in that same trap in two years... what will life be like under a Government controlled by a Democratic Party?
Personally I just hope for a little sanity with foreign policy. If a Repo POTUS could bring that, then fair enough....
if it were a moderate Repub, it might be better for us... but I have so little trust lesft for ANY republican at this point, I would have to say a moderate Dem would be my choice right now...

And it would also depend on whether the dems become corrupt in the next two years...

Welcome back klaatu, we had movers here yesterday, cleaning the house this morning and close this afternoon then we are heading to Maine....

glad to hear you made it safely back home...

I think a demo majority might be required for a bit to undo some of the things the the Repubs have done.
Actually Klaatu, you raise a very good point and what really suprises me, is that I'm slowly coming to your line of thinking in that we as a populace should be voting for checks and balances. However, much like care, I really have zero trust for republicans and I'll only elect them to state positions if I really hate my other options.

But getting to your question, I think if the dems had the white house, the senate and both parties had a minority position in the house and we saw some independents and 3rd parties take the spot of some career politicians, I'd be happy. But honestly at the end of the day I don't trust republicans in washington as far as I can throw them.
Curious ....

In less then 2 years there will be a Presidential and a congressional election. Is it your hope that we elect a Democrat to the Presidency as well as a majority in both the House and Senate?

I could live with a Republican Senate, and a Democratic House of Reps and a Democratic White House.

For some reason, republican house members tend to be of the far-right wingnut variety. They can't be trusted with the house. Republican senators tend to be more reasonable and moderate.