Question For My Fellow Geeks


Anyone have any experience administering and modding Movable Type Enterprise? We currently use Community Server for both forums and blogging, but my boss is leaning toward switching to MT for the blogging component. I'm skeptical, to say the least.
Anyone have any experience administering and modding Movable Type Enterprise? We currently use Community Server for both forums and blogging, but my boss is leaning toward switching to MT for the blogging component. I'm skeptical, to say the least.

no experience... but i always say dont fix it if aint broke.... what would the advantage be... ROI, whats wrong with what you have ?
what dose the software you use now lack ?
That is the only real question, isn't it? He's been vague on his objections so far. We're supposed to sit down and hash it out this afternoon. I think he's concerned that the CS user interface is more complex and less intuitive. That may be true: I simply don't have a user's perspective myself. I look at the underlying technology, not the UI.
That is the only real question, isn't it? He's been vague on his objections so far. We're supposed to sit down and hash it out this afternoon. I think he's concerned that the CS user interface is more complex and less intuitive. That may be true: I simply don't have a user's perspective myself. I look at the underlying technology, not the UI.

i get the same problems myself, but somtimes the UI make a world of a diffrence, but you relly just need to figure out what problems it may create and what problems it will elminate.

how much diffrent is it to support from what you use now, will you have to learn every thing over in a diffrent way, witch isnt always bad but is time consuming and costly in some cases.

dose it require new harware ?