APP - Question for my liberal comrades


When you hire someone to do work for you whether it be landscaping, plumbing, carpentry, do you try to pay the least amount possible for the value you are receiving? Let's say all things being equal you find two contractors to do a job and one charges $50/hour more for his labor than another. From all accounts you don't see any measurable differences in what you will receive.

Whose labor will you choose?
Looks that way, doesn't it? I recall one thread where Tekky admitted personally paying a wage differential based on experience and ability.

What I don't get it why libs think it's OK for them to pay labor based on supply and demand, but not OK for others.

Ever notice that when a worker wants more money for themselves, it's "fair", but if the owners of a business want more money for themselves, it's "greed"?
The low bidder has to cut corners, use inferior materials or just do a poorer job. Like I said, only a fool (or the Government) hires the low bidder.
Or maybe he higher bidder is just charging higher prices

you seem to assume there are only two choices. clearly, you have never worked for any large organization that has had to put out contracts. ANd working as a fry cook at McDonalds doesn't count.
you seem to assume there are only two choices. clearly, you have never worked for any large organization that has had to put out contracts. ANd working as a fry cook at McDonalds doesn't count.

Did you even bother reading the question or the quoted post??
Of course you didn't; because if you had, you would have seen:

When you hire someone to do work for you whether it be landscaping, plumbing, carpentry, do you try to pay the least amount possible for the value you are receiving? Let's say all things being equal you find two contractors to do a job and one charges $50/hour more for his labor than another. From all accounts you don't see any measurable differences in what you will receive.

Whose labor will you choose?
You don't know that "all things are equal" (except for price)....until the job is done. By then it's too late if the cheaper landscaper does a <edit> job.

BTW....Both landscapers, by all logic and reason.....will be making a good enough living to raise their families. So this is a false analogy when it comes to people stuck in <edit> jobs with <edit> wages.
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When you hire someone to do work for you whether it be landscaping, plumbing, carpentry, do you try to pay the least amount possible for the value you are receiving? Let's say all things being equal you find two contractors to do a job and one charges $50/hour more for his labor than another. From all accounts you don't see any measurable differences in what you will receive.

Whose labor will you choose?
Ahh this folks is the logical fallacy known as a "loaded question". People with poor reasoning skills ask these.
So you pay more when you don't have to? Elaborate please.

Be careful. You are close to violating APP rules.
No, I think you need to elaborate. Your question is a loaded question. It's like asking "If you went to a restaurant why would you order a PB&Y sandwich when you could have the Chateaubriand?
Did you even bother reading the question or the quoted post??
Of course you didn't; because if you had, you would have seen:

as my old friend Mott has already pointed out, it is a silly loaded question. The reality is that a $50/hour labor differential is ridiculous... and the idea that there are only two options is equally ridiculous. Write a grownup question and you might get grown up answers.
<APP Edit>

Sorry about that...

I use tapatalk on my kindle fire at home. It gives me the ability to do other things around the house and not be chained to a computer chair....anyway...I always have it set to view the latest posts and threads, so that whenever someone posts or creates a thread....I fan see it without browsing forums.....sometimes I forget to look underneath the thread topic where it shows what forum the thread belongs to. My bad on that....
as my old friend Mott has already pointed out, it is a silly loaded question. The reality is that a $50/hour labor differential is ridiculous... and the idea that there are only two options is equally ridiculous. Write a grownup question and you might get grown up answers.

But that was what was presented for comment.
I know that such things make you uncomfortable and that's why you try to move the goal posts.
It's because you're a wind sock.
It was a silly question presented for comment, and I commented upon it.

Similar to this:

"What if there were two barber shops next door to one another on main street.... One charge five dollars for a shave and a haircut and the one next to it charged one million dollars for the same service... Which one would YOU chose?"

Asinine. Pure and simple...and I resonded accordingly.
It was a silly question presented for comment, and I commented upon it.

Similar to this:

"What if there were two barber shops next door to one another on main street.... One charge five dollars for a shave and a haircut and the one next to it charged one million dollars for the same service... Which one would YOU chose?"

Asinine. Pure and simple...and I resonded accordingly.

Actually, it was not a silly question at all. It was well reasoned. You could use four contractors if you choose and make it $5 if you choose. You are nitpicking because you know my premise is sound.

The point is (which obviously eluded you) that not all services are equal and you pay different amounts based on the service you perceive for the work that you get. In your lame attempts at a snide remark, you only bolster my argument.

This applies to McDonalds workers. BTW, as I have pointed out, this is not about McDonalds workers, it is about the AFL/CIO bolstering its declining member base so they can keep their democrat party money laundering scheme afloat.
The low bidder has to cut corners, use inferior materials or just do a poorer job. Like I said, only a fool (or the Government) hires the low bidder.

Is that right?

If that's true, price competition is indicative of poor quality and higher prices (and wages) always represent the better bargain.
Before you dimsiss the laborer, you should acknowledge that fact that he is, in fact, able to scrape by an existence on the market *somehow*, and perhaps question your metrics which state the two peoples labor to be of equal real value.
Is that right?

If that's true, price competition is indicative of poor quality and higher prices (and wages) always represent the better bargain.

Yes, you get what you pay for. As you mature, you will realize the wisdom in this truism.