It's OK to Be White
If banning guns is pointless because people can just get guns on the black market, is banning abortion also pointless?
If banning guns is pointless because people can just get guns on the black market, is banning abortion also pointless?
If banning guns is pointless because people can just get guns on the black market, is banning abortion also pointless?
Banning guns is unconstitutional. Not pointless. Attempted bans fail because there is no consequence.
Banning abortion is also unconstitutional.
I guess we will see.
Banning guns is not pointless because people can obtain guns illegally, THEY DO THAT ALREADY......they are called felons who do not have the right to access this tool, just like a thief does not have a right to carry a set of lock pick tools on his person. Banning guns is pointless because its a guaranteed Constitutional right in this constitutional republic. The better false premise would be why not ban the tool called an automobile that kills more humans each year than the evil gun....and some of these deaths are classified as homicides. What's the difference....both are tools, inanimate objects that has to be activated and controlled by a human mind. If you are going to give a tool the traits of a personality why not give these same traits to an automobile?
Another inconvenient fact? Do you know how many lawful gun owners KILL PEOPLE with guns each year? And out of all those gun deaths the great majority (added to some left wing stats) are the result of self inflicted deaths via guns.
As far as abortion goes.....since when is it acceptable to compare the taking of a life on demand through aborting that life before gestation is complete with a Constitutional Right that is actually spelled out in a verbatim manner? Just show us the portion of the constitution that addresses the right of a female to abort her child. (its not there, that's what scares the shit of these death came about via court legislation not represented legislation.....and it can be reversed via the same manner....the sound of a judges gavel)
It does not exist, therefore according to the 10th article found in the States Bill of Rights..i.e., the 10th amendment......that decision can be addressed by the citizens of each state as the language not found in the constitution belongs to THE PEOPLE/STATES.
Banning abortion is also unconstitutional.
Banning abortion is also unconstitutional.
Question? Just why do the courts decide to charge anyone that kills a pregnant female with 2 deaths? Just a simple hypothetical question to ponder.
Until its not....via the same method, OPINION. Anything that can become law via the sound of a Judges gavel can be rescinded in the same manner, as these opinions are not acts of legislated law that were represented into existence. Lefts see where SCIENCE and DNA takes us along the facts of determining when human life actually begins instead of basing an opinion upon some draconian antiquated decision made during a time when that technology did not exist. Hint. DNA is used everyday in the courtrooms across America to determine CHILD SUPPORT parental declarations Often this science is used before birth to establish parenthood. Now its time for SCIENCE to take the stand in defense of life....not emotion.Question? Just why do the courts decide to charge anyone that kills a pregnant female with 2 deaths? Just a simple hypothetical question to ponder.
Because Americans don't understand science.
Because Americans don't understand science.
Exactly: DNA proves that life exists within the womb.....LEGALLY. How else can DNA establish pre-birth parenthood in order to demand CHILD SUPPORT? Some people just don't understand SCIENCE and how its actually applied to reality.
DNA proves that there is material which can eventually become a human life. It's the same thing with sperm. Sperm has human DNA, but would you say sperm should count as human life? If so, every ejaculation is mass murder.
Ever read the endangered species act of 1973? The same year SCOTUS decided different than legislation in Roe v. Wade? Why is it a crime to kill UNBORN examples within the same species as identified by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act 16 U.S. 703? Why is it a crime to kill unborn animal life.....but acceptable to kill unborn human life?
Another question? If that material is not alive.....why the need to KILL IT and stop its growth and development? If its not human life....simply leave it alone and nothing will happen.
Isn't that for endangered species?
Like I said, it's material that can eventually become human life. It's not alive, doctors don't KILL IT, they just remove the clump of cells before it becomes alive. And the same thing goes for sperm. Do you think sperm is human life too?