Question for the Abrahamic Religious

I don't think I am Abrahamic Religious, however the pentecostal church I grew up in blamed all evil things on Satan. Some more enlightened churches seem to understand that our actions do bring some evil down on ourselves though, but then again those actions are caused by giving in to Satan ;)

It is all just a dark side of the force thingy :)
It is all just a dark side of the force thingy :)

Hmmm... the way you say this sounds a little on the feminine side .. who you been hanging out with lately ... ;)

Do I beleive there is a Devil hanging out in a place called Hell ....a guy with a goats face, horns and a pitch fork .... ? No ..

But ... yes I agree with you ... I go with the Negative Energy Force ..and I'll leave it at that for now .... because to elaborate any further would lead us into an enitre new thread.
If Satan is the cause of all evil, why do we expect humans to be responsible for their actions?

Why did they hang Saddam, when Satan made him gas the Kurds?
If Satan is the cause of all evil, why do we expect humans to be responsible for their actions?

Why did they hang Saddam, when Satan made him gas the Kurds?

Its like asking if God is "all good" than why do we have evil?

Its to the root of the very point that you atheists seem to miss ..or choose to ignore ... its called free will. In the contexts of the "Abrahamic Religions" Negative Force/Energy (Satan) uses the power to influence .. and whether people choose to act or restrain themselves from that influence is left up to the gift of free will.

Saddam chose to act on the influence of Negative Energy ....thus "he" made the decision to gas the kurds ...
Maybe he was caught up in Satanic energy?

Free will is a misnomer, free indicates without coercion, yet everything coerces our will, from circumstances to the actions of others.

Do you consider a person's personality to be their's by their choice, or is it an accumulation of experiences?
I believe a small portion of a person's personality is there by birth, genetics, etc. The vast majority of a person's personality is created by their lifes experiences though.
Nah, if you believe the religion Evil was possible before Satan. No, he would not be the cause of Evil, just a promoter of it.
We hooman beans are still primitive enough to require something else (satan/evil) to blame our problems on. After all our problems cannot be the result of our actions or other humans actions now can they ? Or just random chance and nature ?
I disagree with both the concept that evil actually is something, an entity, and that we have free will to chose evil.

An act is simply an act. How it is perceived is relative to the person doing the judging.
Yes Any, for instance was the execution of Sadam evil or good ?

For the Iraqi Sunnis I'd say it was evil, for the Shia good, for GWB good, for me indifferent.... :)
I watched the video and I guess I am getting soft in my old age, but I thought it was pretty gruesome, not a good thing. I do also understand your indifference though as a touch of that figures in once I think about it a bit.

I guess the point is that depending on your point of view an event can be considered both good and evil.
Exactly. Evil / good are descriptions, not things..

I don't like the idea of the state having the right to kill its own citizens, but I'm indifferent to the death of Saddam. People die on a daily basis across the world and I don't shed tears for them, so it is unlikely that I will shed any for Saddam....