I hear two statements being made. The first is the deficit/debt is too high and the country/people can't afford to repay it. I also hear the money system is based on fiat currency.(A fiat currency is essentially an invented money system whereby there is no actual commodity, nothing of real value, backing the system.)
OK. In the old days a shopkeeper would deposit $50.00 in his local bank and a farmer would go to the bank and borrow $50.00 to buy food for his cattle and seeds to plant. That meant the farmer owed the bank $50.00 and the bank owed the shopkeeper $50.00. (We'll forget about interest for the time being.) The bottom line being the farmer owed the shopkeeper so if the farmer never paid the bank the bank couldn't pay the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper would be out $50.00.
Now we have fiat money. A person goes to the bank and borrows $50.00. While the Federal Reserve loaned the bank the money nobody loaned the Federal Reserve any money so if the person does not pay back the $50.00 to the bank and the bank doesn't pay the Federal Reserve $50.00 who loses? There never was any money loaned. No one is out the $50.00.
Now, too much of that "loan and don't pay back" idea can lead to inflation but considering the secrets the government keeps why can't they keep the secret about how much money is loaned out by the Federal Reserve? Wouldn't it be better for Congress and the President and associated folks to "cook the books" rather than have a possible monetary collapse?
On that note it's time to cut the lawn because I never paid anyone to cut it for me.
OK. In the old days a shopkeeper would deposit $50.00 in his local bank and a farmer would go to the bank and borrow $50.00 to buy food for his cattle and seeds to plant. That meant the farmer owed the bank $50.00 and the bank owed the shopkeeper $50.00. (We'll forget about interest for the time being.) The bottom line being the farmer owed the shopkeeper so if the farmer never paid the bank the bank couldn't pay the shopkeeper and the shopkeeper would be out $50.00.
Now we have fiat money. A person goes to the bank and borrows $50.00. While the Federal Reserve loaned the bank the money nobody loaned the Federal Reserve any money so if the person does not pay back the $50.00 to the bank and the bank doesn't pay the Federal Reserve $50.00 who loses? There never was any money loaned. No one is out the $50.00.
Now, too much of that "loan and don't pay back" idea can lead to inflation but considering the secrets the government keeps why can't they keep the secret about how much money is loaned out by the Federal Reserve? Wouldn't it be better for Congress and the President and associated folks to "cook the books" rather than have a possible monetary collapse?
On that note it's time to cut the lawn because I never paid anyone to cut it for me.