Question: 'Should Mason Von Mason be allowed use of 'The Anonymous' Function'?

The Anonymous

Bag On My Head
Second only to the numerous 'Is the Coronavirus a Conspiracy' debate, this Topic of Conversation has again taken center stage.
Some argue it should be available to all. Others argue it should only be open to the registered 'Old Timers'. Then, some argue it should only be by Request.

Now, I don't want to be an Alarmist here, but giving Mason access could be like giving Lil' Kim access to the Nuclear Sequence Codes. :(
Anyway, I'm only one person here, don't really know much about this 'Mason' person (other than he has a huge standing Sock Army) and would rather leave this up to the Forum as a whole.
Oh ... and keep in mind before 'voting', Mason has this Wench he runs with, and will probably blab all the details to her, this could be a MAJOR problem since she has Anger Management problems and a very large 'Enemies*List' (thankfully, I'm one of her close friends so I don'r sweat this, but others should be mindful).

Please, let's discuss this important topic before the end of JPP as we know it occurs.
Well, I did get this message from 'ThatOwlWoman':
"Say, if it's true like your toxic skank claims and I have 1,349 socks here, why on Earth would I care about using this weird feature? I wouldn't. You just wanted another chance to exhibit your utter obsession with me. Poor Jack. I'm sorry that things are so slow down at the wharf these days. It's gotta be tough for you, what with all the sailors practicing social distancing and all."

Yes. I do see the 'Anger Management' problems. But do you really think Mason would 'blab' and tell her how to use this?
Plus, she said she 'wouldn't use it'. I guess she could change her mind?

I'm on the fence. Is there any way 'ThatOwlWoman' would take a Blood Oath not to use it?
Second only to the numerous 'Is the Coronavirus a Conspiracy' debate, this Topic of Conversation has again taken center stage.
Some argue it should be available to all. Others argue it should only be open to the registered 'Old Timers'. Then, some argue it should only be by Request.

Now, I don't want to be an Alarmist here, but giving Mason access could be like giving Lil' Kim access to the Nuclear Sequence Codes. :(
Anyway, I'm only one person here, don't really know much about this 'Mason' person (other than he has a huge standing Sock Army) and would rather leave this up to the Forum as a whole.
Oh ... and keep in mind before 'voting', Mason has this Wench he runs with, and will probably blab all the details to her, this could be a MAJOR problem since she has Anger Management problems and a very large 'Enemies*List' (thankfully, I'm one of her close friends so I don'r sweat this, but others should be mindful).

Please, let's discuss this important topic before the end of JPP as we know it occurs.

Hi Jack.:)
I don't have a dog in this fight,but I'd like to see Mason have excess to anonymous!

"excess". Yes. That would be one of the things I could see being a problem ... excessive usage.

I've heard from a number of 'unnamed sources' that this Mason person has many 'political enemies' that wish him Death on a Daily Basis.
USFreedom911, Teflon Don, and of course Yurt, could be targeted in an unmerciful verbal attack. These Snowflakes would end up leaving the Forum and the only ones left, you guessed it, would be Mason's Sock Army.

I'm afraid this kind of Power in the Wrong Hands could be EXTREMELY dangerous.