Question: Should we allow polling stations in the countryside?


IMO, we only should put polling stations in the city. For greater efficiency. If rural folk want to vote, they should have to drive 400 miles or whatever to the nearest metropolitan area.
IMO, we only should put polling stations in the city. For greater efficiency. If rural folk want to vote, they should have to drive 400 miles or whatever to the nearest metropolitan area.

City folks should have to drive 400 miles or so to rural America if they want to eat.
It wouldn't matter in WA, where we are all voting by mail. This way, no one has to step over used needles in Seattle to get to a polling station. :cof1:
IMO, we only should put polling stations in the city. For greater efficiency. If rural folk want to vote, they should have to drive 400 miles or whatever to the nearest metropolitan area.

Why not. The democrats cast ballots for the dead. They can certainly do it for people too busy feeding America to drive that far in their horse and buggy.
Why not. The democrats cast ballots for the dead. They can certainly do it for people too busy feeding America to drive that far in their horse and buggy.

You can be replaced by Mexicans in five seconds, don't get too haughty. Manual labor is the most worthless resource in the world.
IMO, we only should put polling stations in the city. For greater efficiency. If rural folk want to vote, they should have to drive 400 miles or whatever to the nearest metropolitan area.

Fuck no. Many of the liberals on this site alone, live in rural areas, due to our love of nature. Me, and Owl's just to name two.
You can be replaced by Mexicans in five seconds, don't get too haughty. Manual labor is the most worthless resource in the world.

I am not a manual laborer, and feel free. Would love to at least outsource my own job to a Mexican. I had the great good fortune to own two parcels of land across the road from each other that a national pharmacy chain wanted to buy out of the blue to build a store on one and keep their rival from being able to buy and build on the other. I'm fine either way. I was just grateful because 1) they were far bigger money pits than I originally anticipated when I bought them and 2) an old wheeler and dealer I know negotiated it for me because I didn't know shit about this sort of thing. I'm not a 1%er but I could live very modestly for decades still off the money. Just not quite long enough to get me to social security, but I'm working on it.