Question time with Grind


on indefiniate mod break
In a spout of boredom, yours truly randomly pm'd members of the forum asking them deep, philosophical questions. These are their answers.

Question for Billy:

You are walking along a pier one day, and out in the distance in the water, there is a man drowning.

You decide to save him. The water is freezing, and there is a strong current, you could be putting yourself in danger too. But you take the risk on yourself to save this mans life. You get out to him, he's unconscious. You drag him to the pier, and now there is another stranger there to help you pull this man out of the water. You perform cpr on this guy (ewww) and you save his life. While getting your shit together (you put your wallet and phone down on the ground before jumping into the water) the crowd swarms the other guy that helped you pull the man out of the water, and they are congratuling HIM on saving the mans life. The now awakened drowning man, doesn't know any better, and is also thankful of the stranger.

The stranger takes the credit, the news media do a story on him, he gets accolades, etc.

The question is: Do you go - "uhhhh guys, no, I was the one that saved that guys life, not this dipshit" OR would you feel awkward jumping in trying to take credit for something when really what's important is that someone didn't die?

Billy's Answer:

'll try and make mention of it, but if no one listens oh well. I did a good deed. Unless the guy I saved is a prole. Then it'd be a eternal regret.

Question for Disillusioned:

If you could press a button to kill a polar bear, and have it delivered to you (mounted or w/e) and you wouldn't be caught, would you?

Disillusioned's Answer:

Probably not, if there was monetary gain in it, probably but killing it for no purpose serves no purpose.

Question for Dixie:

What would suck more?

1) A world without beds (OF ANY SORT. GROUND ONLY SLEEPING).
2) everybody you first meet thinking you're a murderer. (be realistic in contemplating this scenario, lots of people will want nothing to do with you)

Dixie's Answer:

#2 would suck way more.

Question for Tom:

Lets assumes pigs are still just as stupid as they are now.

BUT for whatever reason, they can speak a few basic words of english.

You own your own pig. If you kill it, it will taste 50 times better than any type of bacon or porkchops that you've ever had.

But when you go to kill it, it goes, "NOOOO TOM, NOOOOOO!"

What do you do?

Tom's Answer:

Question to you! Are you only asking me or others as well? As regards the question posed, I suppose it would depend on how hungry you are. I guess that you could assuage your guilt by listening to some music on headphones to drown out the pleas for mercy.

Question for Howey:

If you could be any person in history, who would you be, and why?

Howey's Answer:


Question for Desh:

Imagine you have a pig. or a cow. Whatever animal you prefer. Now, this cow/pig is just as dumb as any other cow/pig, BUT it has a few basic language skills.

Lets say that this animal would be the most delicious you've ever had, 50 times better than the best bacon, or the best ribeye. BUT you have to kill it yourself, and when you do, the cow or pig will go "NOOO DESH, NOOO, please don't"

Do you still kill it? (Remember, it's not actually sentient, it just utters those words).

Desh's Answer:

I cant even wtch lions on TV stalk their prey.

If I had to kill my own meat for eating I would end up vegitarian.

BTW pigs and smart as dogs.

a dog is about as smart as a two year old child

Question for DamnYankee:

Would you rather be a rich man in the middle ages

or a poor man today

DY's Answer:

Rich man.

Question for Damocles:

Would you accept a million dollars, if it meant that upon meeting someone new, you would have a 10% chance of saying the most vile, disgusting, inappropriate thing to them?

You would NOT be able to explain it away as a bout of touretts

Damocles's Answer:

LOL That would be awesome.

(grind note: I guess that's a yes?)

Question for Rana:

I am not saying you would ever actually do this, BUT, when walking down a city street, and there are all these pigeons around, have you ever gotten the internal urge to just punt one of those things? Have you ever thought of how far you might be able to kick it? Or what its reaction would be when rana just totally bops the bird into the air?

Rana's Answer:

I have never had the urge to kick a pigeon. I am one of those despicable people who wants to feed them.

We don't ave a huge pigeon problem in Alaska, so when I go to a large Ity it is more a novelty instead of a problem.

I might view them different then, lol.

Question for Mott:

if you were offered the position of pope, would you take it?

Don't answer jokingly, really consider it. You would have to do the whole routine, meet idiots all the time, etc. On the other hand, there are millions of people around the globe that pretty much worship you, believe whatever you say is infaliable, and you are the king of your own sovereign state.

So what would you honestly do, would you take the job?

Also if it makes it easier, pretend the wife isn't in the picture.

Motts Answer:

Oh hell no! I don't care what kind of power and authority the Pope has, there's no way in the world I'd want to live that kind of cloistered, celibate lifestyle.

*Cawacko was the last to get a question, but he sucks at timely responses, so eff him*

This concludes "Question time with Grind." Thank you.
Pretty cool Grind. But you should have waited for Cawacko's answer - you could have got lucky and he answers it drunk. which let's face it, there is at least a 50-50 chance of.
I gotta give Damo credit asking Dixie a question and not expecting a thesis paper in return.
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If you could press a button to kill a polar bear, and have it delivered to you (mounted or w/e) and you wouldn't be caught, would you?

Why would anyone do this? What am I going to do with a dead polar bear? Am I just being evil for the lulz?
If you could press a button to kill a polar bear, and have it delivered to you (mounted or w/e) and you wouldn't be caught, would you?

Why would anyone do this? What am I going to do with a dead polar bear? Am I just being evil for the lulz?

You kill the polar bear to save it from global warming... duh