Question Trump Should Ask China Joe Before Next Tuesday


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Was the system out of whack when Democrat judges were legislating from the bench throughout the 47 years you were in government?

During an interview with CBS’s “60 Minutes” recorded Monday but not yet aired, Biden was asked by anchor Norah O’Donnell if the commission would study whether to pack the court. Biden says the commission’s charge would “go well beyond packing,” arguing the court system is “getting out of whack.”

Biden says he'll create a commission to decide whether to reform the federal judiciary and pack the courts: 'It's getting out of whack'
Eliza Relman
Oct 22, 2020, 10:05 AM
Biden has been noncommittal. We do not know what he would do, but after Barrett, he has to consider it. They need to respond to Trump and Moscow Mitch.
Was the system out of whack when Democrat judges were legislating from the bench throughout the 47 years you were in government?

Biden has been noncommittal. We do not know what he would do, but after Barrett, he has to consider it. They need to respond to Trump and Moscow Mitch.

To Nordberg: At 12:00 noon on January 20, 2021 —— China Joe is planning on reaffirming 47 years of always being wrong:

One question to Comrade tRump from Biden:
Where is your Healthcare Plan???????

To Tacomaman: Thanks for asking.

First. Repeal unconstitutional socialized medicine.

Second. Legislate every legitimate compassionate healthcare concern by passing single pieces of legislation instead of further enriching the Parasite Class to the tune of trillions of tax dollars every year with another omnibus bill.

NOTE: Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi’s Obamacare was only the first step toward Third World healthcare administered by the United Nations and paid for with American income tax dollars. Logically, every private sector worker will end up working for healthcare industry parasites.
Scary thought for rightys. Joe may not have made up his mind. Trump and joe do not talk. Daffy cannot ask him anything.
Biden has been noncommittal. We do not know what he would do, but after Barrett, he has to consider it. They need to respond to Trump and Moscow Mitch.

Exactly. Republicans have create a situation where Democrats have no choice but to fight dirty. It's either keep losing or fight in the mud.
Was the system out of whack when Democrat judges were legislating from the bench throughout the 47 years you were in government?

"Well I would love to answer & show you the docs, but I am under audit, soon as the audit is done I'll release them"........

That would grab a couple headlines on Monday morning before the election......... ;)