
Naah gotta be farther apart than 1st cousins in KY to marry.

I haven’t a clue then. I never wanted to date my brother, he went bald early. My sister used to steal all my clothes. Even though Queen Biatch could barely get into them with those hips. Do you know how much money I spent hiring people to sew up the seams that lardass split? Lordy knows why the fake vet wants to know about this. Sean doesn’t even want to let his mind go there. Have Mercy.
You've go me on why Bottlebeard wants to know. I gave on trying to figure out how his thought processes worked long ago.

I just hope it is not his brother he is wanting to marry, he seems pretty cool.
I dunno, I only see bb when someone quotes her.

Me too, but I would think a question like that would be quoted a lot! What a weirdo. Well, I haven’t been able to read many threads, so I’ve stuck to the PA ones. I guess that’s why I missed it. And now I’m glad of it!
A day in the life of Sean...

Since my buddy Sean loves to make up quotes and attach them to me,to stir the proverbial pot with us cit and darla...I will drop the dime on good buddy...
Sean is a shoe ho'....:cof1:


You've go me on why Bottlebeard wants to know. I gave on trying to figure out how his thought processes worked long ago.

I just hope it is not his brother he is wanting to marry, he seems pretty cool.

are you drunk again? are slurring your words! and yes my bro is pretty cool...however he thinks you are a dork and a loser!
Sean, did he really write that?!

Wow. After all those cute relative posts I guess now we really know.

Sean, did he really write that?!

Wow. After all those cute relative posts I guess now we really know.


He sure did girlfriend! I have been waiting for you to show up. I hear a lot of talk about how hot you are, or think you are. I guess now that you have gotten a look at Sean you’re singing a new tune. Back to Battleborne. He asked the question. It damned near knocked my gin tonic out of my hand when I first read it. As you might guess, Sean has seen some shit down at the clubs. But marrying your sibling? Ssshi-t.
I sure did girlfriend! I have been waiting for you to show up. I hear a lot of talk about how hot you are, or think you are. I guess now that you have gotten a look at Sean you’re singing a new tune. Back to Battleborne. .I made it up It damned near knocked my gin tonic out of my hand when you responded. As you might guess, Sean has seen some shit down at the clubs. But marrying you? Ssshi-t.

Finally Sean is telling the truth...then again maybe not...his whole life is a lie!
He is to wanked out to even get out of the bedroom...his keyborad is within reach...or we would miss all his self called humor...:cof1:
One last thing..............

Make up all the false quotes about me all you want...I am already too bored to respond to these anymore...have fun with the three musketeers though!:rant:
He sure did girlfriend! I have been waiting for you to show up. I hear a lot of talk about how hot you are, or think you are. I guess now that you have gotten a look at Sean you’re singing a new tune. Back to Battleborne. He asked the question. It damned near knocked my gin tonic out of my hand when I first read it. As you might guess, Sean has seen some shit down at the clubs. But marrying your sibling? Ssshi-t.

I knew he was creepy but that's just digusting.

As for my hotness, I'm sure I have nothing on you. You sound pretty fabulous!