Questions about drones


How much range from the controller? I would like about 1.5 mile if possible.
how long can the drone fly between charges?
Can I watch live video on a laptop while flying it?
Recommend any good models?
How much range from the controller? I would like about 1.5 mile if possible.
how long can the drone fly between charges?
Can I watch live video on a laptop while flying it?
Recommend any good models?

It all depends on how much you are willing to spend. Mine cost about $120 and has about 25 minutes flying time and about a 1/4 mile range. Check Amazon, good luck and have fun. I love mine.
So I would need a very tiny video cam. Thanks

No the drone has a camera for stills or motion. The more expensive drone you can adjust the view remotely mine is fixed. Also I suggest you get an inexpensive mini drone to learn the basics . I crashed mine more times than I will admit learning to hover and such.
How much range from the controller? I would like about 1.5 mile if possible.
how long can the drone fly between charges?
Can I watch live video on a laptop while flying it?
Recommend any good models?

this guy modified a drone-ish thing to have unlimited range by having it work over LTE

and I dont know about laptops but it def works for mobile devices, live streaming your flight
No the drone has a camera for stills or motion. The more expensive drone you can adjust the view remotely mine is fixed. Also I suggest you get an inexpensive mini drone to learn the basics . I crashed mine more times than I will admit learning to hover and such.

Thanks for this info, E_E.